All (Page 13) Articles 2005 Archives

Just Don't Hurt My Kid!

What is every parent's instinct?

God's sacrifice of Jesus should amaze, humble, and change us.

Fear of Death

What do you fear?

Jesus came to help us overcome the fear of death.

The Victory Foreseen

Do you realize that you've already won?

Because of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, we know that we have already won the victory.

Bunnies, Baskets, Eggs, and Stuff

Where did a bunny with eggs come from?

Easter can be and should be on our hearts everyday and we should use Easter as a time to help our kids know about the Lord's resurrection and not just bunny eggs.

Easter Is Already Here!

What do you mean, Easter comes more than once per year?

Jesus' tomb was simple and unadorned, yet the place everything changed for all of us.

Our Assurance of Reunion

Can you be sure you will see them again?

Want to Plant a Church?

Interested in church planting?

Four diferent approaches to church planting.

You Know How it Feels

Do you really know how it feels?

If we have been through a hard time, we know how it feels and God can use us to comfort others.

Country Chicken

A Texas city slicker?

A trip to the cattle and the country rattles this city slicker loose from her busy ways enough to help her appreciate God in wonder.

Wildlife Preserve

Have you been to a wildlife office preserve?

A lady bug helps refocus us and link us back to the beauty of God's creation and our need to be still and experience more and do less.


How do you feel about new things?

Being unwilling to learn new things is a key to failure and an arrogance based in false pride and stubborn prejudice.

The Behinder I Get

How are you doing at keeping up with all your responsibilities?

We get behind and stay behind because we don't pray.

Known by Our Love?

What are we known for?

We must be known for our love!

Women & Prayer: Power Outage

Is it giving care or escaping from loneliness?

We cannot hide our loneliness behind being busy, but God also uses our busy times to bless others and heal us.

What We Listen To

Who you listening to?

Who and what we listen to is crucial if we are to stay on track and also drown out the voices that make us fear and doubt.

Not My Problem

When does the trip to the dentist bother you?

We need to let the word of God speak to us and not worry about applying it to everyone else.

Depressing Daze or Joy-filled Days?

What are you going to do with the depressing days of winter?

January 24 was called the most depressing day of the year, yet we are called to rejoice!

The Forgiveness Ad

What does it take for God to his message to you?

God has paid a huge price to get our attention about his love and forgiveness for us: the cost of Jesus' blood.

Don't Forget

Can you remember what you most recently forgot?

We are a forgetful people and lose so many valuable things of faith because we don't remember what God has done.

Ouch! Oops! Owie!

What do you do when you mess up?

I messed up by assigning the wrong author to the article, but I'm not going to rationalize my mistake away!

If You Stay Close to Me, You Won't Get Wet

Will you share the umbrella?

Taking a dog out for a walk proves to be a convicting moment about our stupidity in not staying close to God.

Until He Comes

Can you wait until he returns?

A child waiting for morning and mommy reminds us that we are waiting for Jesus' return.

Where Are You Going?

Where will you be when you finally arrive at your destination?

We need to know where we are trying to go spiritually if we ever hope to get there.


What would keep you from doing what you need to do?

We must not let critics intimidate us into being silent about the truth of Jesus.

It Doesn't Fix Everything

What can money fix in your life?

Wealth, money, can help with some things, but not everything!