All (Page 6) Articles 2005 Archives

Attempting to Find Contentment

How content are you in a bad traffic situation?

We learn contentment by learning to be at peace with others.

This Story Doesn't Wash!

Would people be surprised to find that you are a follower of Christ?

Does our behavior and speech give us away as a follower of Jesus?

Think Before You Speak

Have you ever engaged your mouth before your brain was in gear?

The answers from Family Fued remind us of how stupid the things we say can be if we don't think about them first!

The Gracious Hand of Our God

What do you see at work after you pray?

When we pray, God goes to work.

Weed, Water, and Share!

How does your garden grow?

Sometimes we just need to clear the clutter out of our lives!

Blossom in His Garden

Will you bloom where you are planted?

God wants us to blossom where we are planted.

Land of Inbetween

Where are you living right now?

We spend much of our life between highs and lows, great times and bad times, and we must learn to use this time productively.


What do you have growing in your path?

We need to keep our thought life free of weeds.

Marriage Can Be a Lot of Work!

Marriage is made up of a lot things, but one of them is ...

Marriage requires effort and work, but it is worth it!

Born and Adopted

How are you a part of God's family?

We are both born and adopted into God's family!

The Lord Has a Will

Did you know that the Lord

Jesus made us out a will of the things he wants us to inherit!

To Life!

When's the last time you spent the day fully smiling?

We need to be a rejoicing people who reflect God's blessings in our lives and in our smiles!

A Great Moment!

When's the last time you had a great moment with God?

God provides us with some incredible moments of grace and joy if we will notice them!

Seeing the Face of Jesus

Have you seen the Lord lately?

When Christians gather together for worship and fellowship, it is a holy moment.

Retire or Re-fire?

What are you going to do in your retirement?

Christians should never retire spiritually, but instead re-fire!


Do you feel just a little above average?

God has always and will always use ordinary people to do his work!

How Do You Measure Yourself?

How do you measure up?

While we can measure many things in many ways, there is only one way to measure a Christian -- by the standard of Jesus!

Approaching the Cross

Will you draw near?

Will we draw near to the cross and have our lives changed?

Ice Cold Morning, Life-changing Memory

Can your remember that special day?

Do your remember your special day of salvation?

Just Because You're Right

How important is proving to everyone else that you are right?

Just because you are right doesn't make you right -- how we deal with others is crucial in being right!

EPIC Conversion

Do we need to go back and re-think the modern conversion experience?

Let's see conversion more wholistically -- an experience of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in baptism that involves repentance, and confession of Jesus as Lord, and acceptance of him as Lord and Christ.

May God Give You Peace

What is our source of peace?

God can give you peace, but it is going to come through prayer.

Opening Doors, Empowering Messengers

What are you doing to empower God's word?

Prayer empowers God's people and God's message.

Love or Legalism

Which of the two do you choose to do?

Jesus chose people over practices and love over legalism.

Just Think!

What have you been thinking about lately?

More than needing to think, we need to think about the right things!