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The Missing Bible

Can you find your Bible in the list?

While there are many specialty Bibles, the Bible is really written for only one group of people: sinners.

The Abuse of Time

What are you doing with your time?

We must learn to make our use of time a holy enterprise.

Passing It Along

Who are you living to bless?

We must live to pass along our faith to several generations, not just our kids.

God Can Re-shape You!

Have you placed yourself in his hands?

Like clay in the hands of the potter, so also are we in the hands of God.

What Then?

Where do you go when there is no place to go?

God longs for us to come to him and receive his mercy and grace in our struggles and cast all our anxieties on him.

In the Presence

What do you go to church to do?

We need to remember that when we assemble, God joins us and it is a holy moment.

Doing Things Religiously

How are you doing on your spiritual exercises?

Worship is more than what happens every seventh day, it is all of our lives.

I Get Stupid When I'm Tired

When do you go a little around the bend?

We need to recognize that we get a little stupid and out of control when we are tired and so we should do something to prevent it!

If You Love Jesus, Don't Honk!

What kind of bumper sticker would Jesus have had?

In your face christian bumper stickers are offensive and dont' work to help evangelism.


What are we really worth?

Memorial Day should make us also think of communion and Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Steady, It Could Be God

What's going on with this?

We need to look for God even in the worst of situatinos!

Open Our Eyes!

What do you see around you?

God has his protection for us all around us if we will only ask for eyes to see.

Words of Wisdom

Where do you get your wisdom?

Spiritual wisdom only comes from God and His Word.

Just in Case

Do you have any words that you want to make sure get heard?

We need to always be prepared for the final eventuality of life!

Reminder in the Storm

How can you stand the fury of your storms?

A violent storm reminds us of our need for God and his holiness!

A Prayer for our Child

What is on your heart this graduation?

A prayer for graduating seniors by parents.

Taking Flight

Are our

A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!

You Are the Way

Why don't we do it God's way?

While we know the will of God, we often do things our way instead of His way.

Is It Your Time?

How will you know it is your time?

Jesus doesn't expect us to do what we can't know to do, but he does expect us to do what we know to do.

Signs of Life

Are you fit to attend this church?

Sometimes we need to be reminded that church is a place for sick and broken people, not perfect ones.

The X-odus Files: Wanderers or Warriors

So how do you impact culture?

God wants us to leave behind our wanderer and slave mentality and take on the attitude of a spiritual warrior: it's time to leave our terminal mentality.

What if Your Mom Found Out?

What if your mom knew?

One way to help us sort through the moral dilemmas of the day is to ask what our mom would think if we did it?

Somewhere Else

Where do you want to be right now?

So many things make us long to be somewhere different.

Not Distracted

Are you caught up in all the rapture debate?

We mustn't be distracted by the discussions about Jesus' return and lose sight of what is crucial about our discipleship.


How have you been conditioned?

So many of us have been conditioned to not see the call of the cross in our lives!