All (Page 8) Articles 2007 Archives

Bless Your Heart!

Whose heart are you blessing these days?

Jane Vincenzi shares some insight in the old southern phrase bless your heart and realizes that it is really what our Christian life is all about.

Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land

Let's celebrate TRUE freedom

Despite common misconceptions, freedom is not granted by governments, nor won on a battlefield. True freedom comes from God and God alone.

More Valuable than You Know

How important are the little things you do for others?

Rubel Shelly reminds us how important it is to do simple acts of kindness and not simply look for the splashy and big things to do to bless others.

Less Than Advertised

What are we really promising people in our churches?

Phil Ware shares an experience where a small town was way over hyped and didn't live up to its advertising and compares it to what happens in our churches and encourages us to build God's community.

Breakfast in Bed

What lessons are your kids learning?

Steve Higginbotham tells about his daughter learning the most important lesson of all, wan ting to be like Jesus.

How Blessed We Are!

Are you cocooning yourself spiritually from change?

Russ Lawson is blessed and k ows further blessings await when he embraces change and leaves his religious cocoon.

Selfishness Destroys a Home

What is the real homewrecker?

Paul Faulkner looks at the role maturity and unselfishness play in good families.

The War on Materialism

What's the real threat to our culture?

Rubel Shelly writes about our greatest cultural enemy in spiritual warfare, consumerism or greed.

Maybe You Can Tell Us Apart

Can you tell us apart?

Despite apparent differences, we Christians are the same in the things that matter.

The Clutter of Activity

Are all your activities getting in the way of your life?

Jane Vincenzi reminds us that our lives can get so cluttered with activity that we miss God and lose out on real life.

While I Sleep

What does God do while you sleep?

Phil Ware shares what God does for us when we sleep.

Last Will and Testament

What did you get in the will?

Alan Smith tells the story of a wild will and how Jesus' last will and testament is far different and far better!

Closer Than You Think

How far have you gone to find what you are looking for?

Rubel Shelly tells the story of a Rabbi who took a long trip to find what was buried under his own stove to remind us to not give up what we seek by trying something different than where we are simply because we are restless.


Are you too busy to find God in the ordinary?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we can get so busy that we fail to find God in the everyday world where he meets us.

God Never Stops Calling

Have you heard his voice?

Tammy Marcelain shares about her return home to God and how it was a walk with Jesus that did it.

Money Really Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Are you enslaved to the desire of always wanting more and better?

Money really doesn’t grow on trees -- and some of us are growing more aware of this fact every day. Truthfully, most people deal with financial stress


Can your GPS get you out of life's real pickles?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares an experience she had with her GPS and then compares it to God's Plan of Salvation which is in the Bible, the only Voice we should trust.

Come Away to a Quiet Place?

Is getting away to a quiet place enough to restore our souls?

Phil Ware talks about the weariness of ministry and reminds us that it is not enough to simply get away and rest, we must get away and be with Jesus.

Down the Road

Will we ever know the answers to the questions that trouble us?

Phil Ware writes a letter to his dad on Father's Day about missing him and about the questions he has.

A Time to Weep

What time is it in your relationship with your Dad?

Philip Gulley talks about his dad's heart surgery and his directions for his funeral service in case he didn't survive.

How Much Does He Know?

Does God really know all about me?

Paul Faulkner talks about God knowing all about us and still loving us immensely and how his love is better than the best dad and compensates for the worst dad.

Knowing the Father's Presence

Should we allow doubt in?

Jim Clark talks about his confidence in God's presence being based on the Father's faithfulness and not on the way he feels.

A Rock Among Play-Doh

Can you stand firm in a Play-Doh world?

In a world of bending and conforming, Christians need to learn to hold their ground.

When I Get Big ...

What do you want your son be when you grow up?

Let's teach our sons to be fathers!

Thanks Dad!

How can you honor your dad this week in a significant way?

Phil Ware describes how his dad was great and how he taught his family how to love and stand up for kids.