All (Page 9) Articles 2007 Archives

I Was a Snob and It Breaks My Heart

How hard is it to admit that we can be religious snobs?

Kimberli Brackett reminds us that it is easy to slip into the role of being prideful and a snob who hurts others because of our silly and stupid pridefulness.

I'm Sorry, Butt ...

When is I'm sorry not an apology?

Hal Runkel reminds us that we can issue an apology and actually use it to beat up someone else in the process by transferring the focus of the guilt from ourselves to someone else and this is fake and mean and bullying.

Divorce and Stress in Children

How can we help our children long-term?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that divorce causes stress on our children and creates a legacy that impacts their lives, so we need to learn to love each other in words and actions.

The Violence of the Wicked?

Please end the violence!

Phil Ware shares insight on Psalm 7

Power to Change

Warning: God still answers prayers!

When we pray for people, God actually works in their lives. The story of Fernando's conversion reminds us of the power of prayer.


Isn't it hard to wait on anything, but especially the Lord?

Mike Barres reminds us that waiting is hard, but God's timing is always best.

Good News on Marriage?

Is there actually some good news out there on marriage?

Rubel Shelly reflects on the declining number of divorces per population since the 80's and talks about the importance of preparation and commitment in making a marriage work.

Everything Is Yours!

How much difference should it make in our lives to know it all is ours?

Tom Norvell remembers the words of the father to the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal son that everything the father has is his, it belongs to him.

Planting Seeds for the Future

Are you planting any seeds for tomorrow?

Ron Rose reminds us that we need to be investing in the future by helping others see the potential that God has for them.

Take off the Fireman's Hat!

What's the big rush, anyway?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that being in such a rush in life is not the way God intended us to live and not the way Jesus lived, so we ought to slow down, spend time with the Father, and be refreshed.

Making the Best of It

How do you handle hard times?

Mike Barres reminds us that hardship can often be a time God is using us to make a difference in the lives of many others.

Who Needs a Stress Test?

Where is your heart?

We need to take care of our hearts, both physically and spiritually

Same and Different

How are we all the same and yet all different?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are all unique and different and yet we must all take responsibility for our actions.

Our Need to Remember

Hopefully remembering the horrors can help us prevent them.

Phil Ware uses Memorial Day to think about the cost of war and the ultimate sacrifice of a friend named Roy who lived through World War II, the assault on Normandy Beach and the Battle of the Bulge.

Help! I've Become My Mother

Do you sound familiar?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that folks need to know that we care and really are not looking for us to pour out our advice and give them all of our solutions.

Jockeying To Be Shocking

Aren't we way past too far?

Shock jocks have tried to out do each other in shocking, crude, and obscene remarks on radio, TV, and interviews and they have crossed the line and we are the only ones who can do something about it.

A Sabbath Rest

Do you rest at least one day per week?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to rest 1 in 7 if we are going to fully experience life and be productive.

The Bigger Picture

Can you see beyond the hard times you are now facing?

Alan Smith shares a Leith Anderson story about going to the only perfect World Series game and how he saw it as a disappointment because his team lost and then Alan compares this to our sometimes not seeing the big picture of what is really happening when

I Have Seen the Price of Freedom

How have I seen the price of freedom?

Remembering the blood shed for our freedom, we must remember Jesus Christ.

Life is Short

Is your life actually going to be very short?

Patrick Odum tells about a guy who thought he had pancreatic cancer and lived it up his last year of life and then found out the cancer diagnosis was wrong.

Rhythms of Grace

What if the day begins at a different time than we think?

Phil Ware challenges us to re-look at how we define the day and when it begins by looking at Genesis 1 and the rhythm of creation and see that God has blessed us with rest before work.

Seasoned with Salt

Can others tell your faith through ypur speech?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we can and should be considerate, comforting, and encouraging in the way we respond to others.

Broken Spirit

How good is your spirit?

Alan Smith reminds us that we have to be moldable, to have a broken and contrite spirit if God is going to do anything with us.

Gentle Moments

Are you taking advantage of the gentle moments?

Paul Faulkner reminds us to use the gentle quiet tuck-in times with our kids.

Filled with Compassion

Can you wait?

Tom Norvell shares modern day stories of the prodigal son as he talks about a son, daughter, husband, and a wife who left and came home.