Rubel Shelly talks about the Old Testament concept of restitution instead of punishment for folks who have committed crimes.
04/18/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Patrick Odum describes what happened to the Patriot SuperBowl championship jerseys that were going to be thrown away because they lost, and challenges us to give more than our throw aways to the poor of the world.
04/17/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
The relationship between my dog and I has shown me a pattern for my relationship with God. He is my master and I belong to him.
04/16/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Steve Higginbotham reminds us of a recent news story and disputes the charge that he was a moron, but instead was a man of integrity like we should be?
04/15/2008 by Steve Higginbotham
Phil Ware shares Scriptures pertaining to the IRS deadline for taxes and other issues related to money.
04/14/2008 by Phil Ware
Warren Baldwin encourages us to try harder in our marriage relationships to prevent divorce using the standard irreconcilable differences as our reason for splitting up a marriage.
04/13/2008 by Warren Baldwin
Russ Lawson emphasizes that we shouldn't be motivated out of fear, but urgency and love, and mend our relationships.
04/12/2008 by Russ Lawson
Lisa Mikitarian talks about ultra marathons and companion runners and reminds us that Jesus is our companion runner and we need to be a companion runner to others.
04/11/2008 by Lisa Mikitarian
Ron Rose reminds us to collect stories about God's fingerpints.
04/10/2008 by Ron Rose
A handicapped woman experiences the joy of healing through the forgiveness of sins even though her physical impairment remains.
04/09/2008 by Tim Archer
Tom Norvell reflects on the words from Psalm 72 that the prayers of David are ended and he hopes his life, his prayers, end with praise like David's did.
04/08/2008 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware challenges us to think about how we view church and asks how we can make it a gathering of people committed to the Kingdom of God.
04/07/2008 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum reminds us of the importance of church and how it may not be efficient, but is sure necessary.
04/06/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Lord's prayer on the night he was betrayed was for unity and he prayed this three times, it was so important to him.
04/05/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Alan Smith uses a story by Elie Wiesel to help make the point that sometimes we have to do things that seem even futile because we don't want to be changed into something we don't want to be.
04/04/2008 by Alan Smith
Rubel Shelly talks about the financial crisis, or better, crises, that are afflicting our economy and housing markets and foreclosure problems and points to one age old problem -- greed.
04/03/2008 by Rubel Shelly
We were created for a purpose.
04/02/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Lisa Mikitarian has a sticking key on her laptop, the letter "U" and it makes things look a little strange but it helps remind her how everyone is important!
04/01/2008 by Lisa Mikitarian
Phil Ware reminds us that from the very beginning of the Christian movement, Jesus and His followers recognized that the Gospel and the church are for all people.
03/31/2008 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell reminds us to keep on speaking up for the Lord even in hostile situations and difficult circumstances.
03/30/2008 by Tom Norvell
Ron Rose reflects on the movie "The Bucket List" and a man who gave his life for his friend in Iraq and challenges us to thank our friends like that and to be a friend like that.
03/29/2008 by Ron Rose
Bill Denton reminds us of how important quality people are to our lives as we face challenging times.
03/28/2008 by Bill Denton
Rubel Shelly shares his feelings and insights into civility and free speech in politics, sports, and real life.
03/27/2008 by Rubel Shelly
"Only in his home town, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." Mark 6:4
03/26/2008 by Skye Noe
Anne Voskamp shares her insights into spring cleaning and the stress and blessing of completely cleaning ones house and heart.
03/25/2008 by Ann Voskamp