Sarah Stirman writes about a time her husband didn't quite follow through on getting their pre-school kids to Bible class and she gets angry, but the Lord challenges her to forgive!
07/31/2008 by Sarah Stirman
Jesus claims to be the one true way to God. There is no other.
07/30/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Susan Sagun shares with Heartlight the innovative way to help children and women in Uganda while at the same time giving a blessing here at home!
07/29/2008 by Susan Sagun
Phil Ware continues his series on the 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross, this one focuses on Jesus' cry of feeling that he had been forsaken by God.
07/28/2008 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell talks openly with the Lord about how hard it is to look forward and not backward and push on to the Lord's horizon.
07/27/2008 by Tom Norvell
Mike Barres gets stumped on moving a stump but keeps on going and reaches the tipping point and comes through because he doesn't give up.
07/26/2008 by Mike Barres
Rubel Shelly reminds us to play through pain and go on to victory.
07/25/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell reminds us that we have a person to go to, when we have no place to go, and his name is Jesus, our Lord.
07/24/2008 by Tom Norvell
Last Christmas my wife and I were given a kite. It’s one of those really large ones that requires two handles and gives you a pretty good work out.
07/23/2008 by Wesley Shutt
Bill Sherrill connects to an old King James phrase, the latter days, and reminds us that we often don't see things clearly until time has passed and we view things from God's perspective.
07/22/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Phil Ware continues his series on the 7 sayings of Jesus at the cross and reminds us how Jesus values his mother, widows, and the grieving.
07/21/2008 by Phil Ware
Mike Barres challenges us with a powerful example of climbing Mt. Everest and compares it with having a great church experience but not being concerned with people.
07/20/2008 by Mike Barres
Russ Lawson challenges us to look at the way filth and dirt get into our lives and contaminate them and challenges us to pursue holiness and purity.
07/19/2008 by Russ Lawson
Patrick Odum reflects on several folks who have auctioned off huge portions of their lives and property on eBay and challenges us to ask if we have done the same thing with our stuff.
07/18/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell reminds us that God saved us through grace in Jesus at just the right time and has intervened in our lives at just the right time over and over again.
07/17/2008 by Tom Norvell
Hope can give us the power to overcome illness, change our lives and face whatever this life may bring. Hope needs a foundation, and only God gives an eternal foundation.
07/16/2008 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly reminds us that we've got to look past our own failures and low view of our own importance and learn to rejoice because we are each a child of the King.
07/15/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross with the meaning of the line today of "you will be with me in paradise" and talks about the hope it brings in the face of death.
07/14/2008 by Phil Ware
Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.
07/13/2008 by Bill Denton
Russ Lawson reminds us to check out what we are told from Scripture, because just like made up statistics, the facts are not always what is presented to us.
07/12/2008 by Russ Lawson
Rubel Shelly reminds that God hates and gets angry at evil and calls us to be stirred to anger and action.
07/11/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Mike Barres reminds us to be thoughtful to others and one way to do that is to remember those who have been thoughtful to us.
07/10/2008 by Mike Barres
Churches are spiritual hospitals full of those who need spiritual healing ... and that includes all of us.
07/09/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Ron Rose reminds us of Reginald Denny and the vicious attack he suffered in the riots of LA and yet forgave.
07/08/2008 by Ron Rose
Mike Barres talks about his gravel driveway and how it gets full of ruts and how he goes about avoiding them and then he challenges us to avoid living in the ruts we have made in our churches and our lives.
07/06/2008 by Mike Barres