All (Page 9) Articles 2008 Archives

NOT Just Another Face in the Crowd

How did God make you to stand out from the crowd?

Phil Ware reminds us that the Gospel of Luke introduces us to common folks made special by God to remind us that we are not just another face in the crowd.

The Aroma of Christ

So what do you smell like today?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we are to carry the aroma of Jesus with us wherever we go -- some will like it, some will not, but God will be pleased!

The Fred Factor

How many opportunities will you miss today?

Steve Higginbotham shares with us the opportunity to be Fred, like Jesus, to those around us.


What am I supposed to do with all this mess?

Larry Davies shares with us his struggle with a cluttered office and how it's been embarrassingly displayed on the Internet.

Stop Signs

How many of God's signs are your rolling through and not pausing to hear His voice?

Ann Voskamp uses a rolling California stop at a stop sign and has someone yell at her and it gets her thinking about all the stop signs she has been running.

It Seems Too Good To Be True

He had to realize he could not make his life work on his own.

No matter how badly we have messed up our lives, God still loves us and will forgive us.

What Do You Treasure?

An old silver dollar evokes many old memories!

Russ Lawson lets silver dollars remind him of long ago with his grandparents and challenge himself right now to treasure the proper things in life.

Coming Down in the Wrong Place

When is landing not good?

Phil Ware talks about an airplane that landed on the wrong runway and compares it to some of the values we attach to people.

Cap and Gown

Where does all the time go?

Tom Norvel thinks about time and how fast his daughter has grown up at her graduation.


Why would she tell the President to get his feet off her table?

Bill Denton remembers a story told about President George W. Bush putting his feet up on his mother's coffee table and being scolded, and reminds us that it's all about honor.

Radical Love, Radical Forgiveness

Does our love have to be so irrational?

Byron Ware reacts to a message he heard related to his daughter's graduation.

When the New Babies Require Extra Care

How do grandparents deal with multiple multiples?

Janet Colbrunn shares her experiences as a grandparent to multiple multiples.

Junk Mail and Happiness

Is happiness really just a mouse click away?

Junk e-mail gives us a good glimpse into what the world sees as happiness. But true happiness comes from God, not from a website.

Some Who Has Been There

Who is more super than Superman and yet doesn't possess his powers?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Superman isn't really a model of a hero because he didn't have to worry about anything, but those of us who are mortal need heroes like Jesus and you!

Remember These Friends!

How can we so easily forget such sacrifice?

Phil Ware shares some Scriptures on sacrifice, love, remembering, and friendship.

Living Water

Who can satisfy our parched souls?

Tom Norvell reminds us that only Jesus can quench our parched spirits and souls with his living water.

Doing the Best I Can

What happens if your best isn't good enough?

Mike Barres reminds us that we all reach times in our lives when our best efforts are not enough, but God can do what needs to be done if we will persevere, fast, and pray.

More than One Way to Hit a Homerun

When is a homerun not quite a homerun without some help?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us of a great home run story from D II women's softball and how the opposing team helped an injured competitor.

Grand Slam?

When is a hit more than a home run?

Kelly Breece talks about her son, Shane, and his first hit in baseball.

Memorial Day, 2008

It was a haunting sound, carried by the wind

It was a haunting sound, carried by the wind as it seemed to float around those of us gathered there. The lone bugler sounding Taps

Pink Slip

What kind of slip are you expecting?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares how her daughter missed the dreaded pink slip given to many teachers in Kentucky, but she also reminds us that God doesn't give pink slips.

The Little Church That Could

Do you think you can?

Larry Davies takes the story of "The Little Engine that Could" and applies it to church.

Restored to Sanity

How do we get our minds in the right place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's redemption isn't just about the future, but about living fully human lives now!

Learning from Our 'Mistaks'

What have you learned from your mistakes?

Mike Barres reminds us that mistakes and missteps are a part of life, an dwe can learn from them and grow through them.

Uprighting the Earth

What do you need to bury in your life?

Ann Voskamp shares about a recent burial she was happy to attend, and in the process, put the world back into its upright position.