All (Page 6) Articles 2009 Archives

Red Light, Green Light

The town where I live is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch those who run red lights.

God has given us a blueprint for life. His instruction makes life better.


So what can you do to make yourself a blessing to others?

Rubel Shelly shares insights on being helpful and how it's part of our being created in the image of God.

Learning To Be Watched

Have you glanced over your shoulder recently?

Ron Rose talks about being an example to others because we are always being watched, especially by those in our own family.

He Knows My Name!

Does He really speak to people today?

Phil Ware shares insights on Jesus calling Mary by name and speaking to us today.

When Life Tumbles In

What do you say when you lose a loved one?

Arthur John Gossip's famous sermon helps us face grief: "You people," says Gossip, "in the sunshine may believe the faith, but we in the shadow must believe it. We have nothing else."

What the Dying Reveal to Us about the Trinity

How can we see movement in stillness?

Scott Owings shares how his work in hospice chaplaincy has helped him appreciate the things that the dying can teach us, especially about the difficult concept of the Trinity.

Worth Doing Poorly?

What do you do that you are not good at doing?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to try new things, to take risks, and to find some things we don't do well rather than falling into stale and boring ruts only doing the things we do well.

Go to My Brothers and Tell Them

Who was the first apostle to the apostles?

Phil Ware shares insights into Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene and how he commissioned her to go declare his resurrection to his followers.

God's Gift of Family Grace

Sometimes the biggest story at church is not one you know!

Phil Ware shares a Mothers' Day story of God's grace and the reunion of a family brought together through adoption.

It's Personal

Jesus died for me ... it doesn't get any more personal than that

Jesus' death on the cross was personal. He died for each one of us personally. It's not about theology; it's about Jesus' living and dying for you and for me.

Just Part of the Job

A brain injury and a call for the maintenance man?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real challenge is to be resourceful and take our meager resources and big challenges and put them in the hands of the Living God.

Making God Touchable

Have you touched someone in the name of Jesus, lately?

Phil Ware talks about making God touchable and how we share the touch of Jesus with others.

Am I Lucky ... Or What?

Who is responsible for the good things that happen to me?

Good things happen in this world. I believe that God is the source of the these in the lives of his people. It is not "dumb luck" or "blind fate."

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

Did I Get Everything Right?

Better check those tax forms one more time

If we try to earn our own salvation, we will never have peace with God. Peace comes from accepting his free gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

There Is No Tomorrow

Does it really make any difference?

Bill Sherrill talks about not worrying about tomorrow, because we are not able to accurately predict it and Jesus and James tell us not to worry.

I'll Be Happy When?

What are you waiting for?

Russ Lawson shares some insight into why we put off being happy and worrying about tomorrow.

When Heroes Walk

Sometimes, it takes everything to just keep walking!

Phil Ware shares a message about hanging on and keeping on walking in the face of adversity, pain, hardship, and challenge.

David's First Giant

Why do we keep them at the kids table so long?

Phil Ware looks at the story of David and Goliath and challenges us to not keep our young believers away from risk, faith, and leadership.

Another Epidemic

I don't worry about an outbreak of disease ...

Christians have the only certain security during times of epidemic illness.

Little Acts of Love

Now what can I really do and does it really matter?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that we may not have the skill set or talents we would choose for ourselves, but we can still change the world through small acts of love.

Nearby Treasures

Is what you most need to hear or see actually nearby?

Kelly Breece talks about taking her daughter to see her grandmother and how she discovers a homemade book nearby that blesses them all.

Mother's Day Messages

Thank you for your legacy of faith.

A simple message from 2 Timothy about mothers.

Mother's Day in Retrospect

Now just how good a Mother's Day gift is a rubber tree plant?

Russ Lawson talks about what husbands and sons should do for the mothers and wives for Mother's Day.

What Difference Can One Make?

Can one person really make a difference

Phil Ware looks at Ruth and Naomi and the difference one faithful person can make in everything!