All (Page 7) Articles 2012 Archives

Faith on the Way Home

How can I believe before I have proof?

Phil Ware continues his series on UNPREDICTABLE and reminds us that faith needs to show itself before proof comes or it's not faith and we're not blessed!

Life on the Ark

Did I just step in something?

Life in the church isn't always easy, just as living on the ark with a bunch of animals wasn't easy for Noah. But what's the alternative?

As Different as...

How important are our differences?

Phil Ware continues his series on Outside the Walls, looking at Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well and reminding us that they are more alike than they are different: both need Jesus and his truth, life, and love.

Master the Art of Welcoming

How open are our arms?

Rick Brown challenges us to be welcoming to those who are outsiders and those we do not know.

Auto-Correct Spelling and Life

I wonder if it is possible to live my life on auto-check?

The Christian life is a life of intentional choices made every day. You cannot live that life on auto-check.

No Greater Love

Admit it! Accept it! Share it!

Tom Norvell talks about God's love for us in Jesus and also anniversaries.

When Water Becomes Wine

How can we see this miracle in our lives?

Phil Ware shares a message centered on John 2 and Jesus' miracle of turning the water to wine at Cana in Galilee because of Mary's concern and intervention.


These three lurk in the shadows seeking to derail us and do us in.

Russ Lawson talks about fear, uncertainty, and doubt, or FUD, and how God's word and God speaks into each of these to give us life.

Overlooking Nehemiah

God even uses poison detectors

Today we tend to think that only "Spiritual leaders" can talk or tell us about Jesus. That the "professional staff" are the only ones with training and insight to convey the important passages to others. Yet the history of Judeo-Christian faith demonstrat

More than Words

God spoke His greatest message with just one Word!

Phil Ware talks about why he and about 100 others go to Peru each year when it costs so much.

Facing Evaluations

How can I survive this with my fear of layoffs?

Larry Davies writes about the proper attitude to face evaluations and how to avoid fear as we approach them.


It's time to go treasure hunting

If we want to find God, first we have to look for Him

The 'Christian' Vote?

Is there such a thing as this?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is really no such thing as the Christian vote, but a reality that politics often uses religion and religion gets used in politics, but the kingdom of God comes in different ways.

Open Doors, Open Hearts

Please pray that God will open the door to effective ministry!

Phil Ware reminds us of our need for God's help to open hearts so that we can share Jesus with others.

Change in the Wind

How will you face the winds of change?

Ron Rose writes about change and how it is not only inevitable, but it is the answer to life's greatest challenges and the wind upon which faith sails.

My Cell Phone Doesn't Work

Why do some people think Jesus is like a cell phone?

Cell phones that don't work validate all your fears about technology. Some people have that same thought about Jesus when eveything in life does not work like they want.

When You Need Wisdom

With all the crazy stuff going on, how am I supposed to know what to do?

Tom Norvel reminds us as leaders that we are promised wisdom, we just need to pray for it and ask for it genuinely and in faith.

Better Broken: Forgiveness and Power

I can actually get better?

Phil Ware continues his series on Better Broken reminding us that God can make us better after we have been broken and use us to do his work in the Kingdom because of two things: forgiveness we receive in Jesus through baptism and the power of the Holy Sp

Tim Tebow Can't Win!?

What's a young guy got to do?

Rubel Shelly wades into the Tim Tebow issue with some good insight and a reminder to wait and see how this all turns out.

Finding God on the Mountain

What will God be like when you find Him?

The story of Eijah helps us understand what finding God can be like

What You Need to Move Ahead

Does the New Year already seem like an old one?

Rick Brown reminds us that even though we may have already begun to slip back into the old way of living, the New Year can be bring us fresh life if we remember this.

Better Broken: 11!

What do you do with the one who is missing?

Phil Ware continues his series, Better Broken, focusing on the problem of there being 11 apostles and how people fail us and what are we doing to do to go on after we've been betrayed.

This Year I Will Get One Resolution Right ...

Forget all the broken resolutions and focus on the perfect one for this year.

There is one resolution that makes you a better person, makes everything new, and still works when you break it.

Better Broken: The Plan

What was God's plan to help Jesus' broken and flawed followers accomplish his mission?

Phil Ware continues his series called Better Broken that focuses on how God used flawed, broken people to change the world by sharing the message of Jesus and this involved Purpose: to be witnesses, Plan: to release God's power through prayer; People: the

God in the boring Stuff?

What are you seeing God at work doing in your life?

Ron Rose asks us to pay attention to our lives and see God at work, even in the moments he does not appear to be present and especially in the moments that appear to be boring.