All Articles 2013 Archives

Counting Down or Ratcheting Up?

Learning to live in tune with God!

Phil Ware gives us three key principles to follow as we approach the New Year, ask the Lord what he wants us to do, learn to rest, and get to know Jesus better.

A Gift Worth Re-gifting?

Is there really a Christmas gift worth regifting?

Tom Norvell reminds us that this is really a gift worth regifting -- Jesus -- because he is our hope, joy, love, and peace and others need to hear us speak of him when they need him most.

Be Careful with this Gift!

What gift at Christmas can get you in the most trouble?

Rick Brown reminds us about dangerous Christmas gifts for kids and the most dangerous Christmas gift of all, Jesus.

A Son Was Born to Us

It was the birth announcement from everyone to everyone.

When God sent his Son to earth, the birth announcement was given twice: once generations before his birth and then when it happened.

Jesus. Birth!

Three different ways to tell the story of our Savior's birth — short form, Bible verses, video!

Phil Ware wishes everyone Merry Christmas for the Heartlight team and shares 3 different ways to share the story of Jesus at Christmas: a short form, the Bible text from "The Voice" Compass Bible and from a Worship House Media video about a child coming.

That Star?

Is this really the Christmas star?

Patrick Odum talks about the Christmas star and how it may have been identified, but how that doesn't nearly as much as the One who was born being the One who made the stars.

And God Saw that It Was Good

Perspective gained from a view of earth from space.

Phillip Morrison writes about the Apollo 8 moon orbit and the famous earthrise photo taken by the astronauts orbiting the moon in what otherwise would have been a disastrous year for America.

Exchanging Your Christmas Dream for a Bigger One

Does God really have a bigger dream for you than He gave Joseph and Mary?

Rick Brown shares an insight from the Westjet Santa Claus video and says we need to ask God for more and greater vision.

When You're this Close to Giving up Hope

Can you still believe you can fly with broken wings?

Ann Voskamp shares a powerful story about the first Sunday of Advent and butterflies and a friend with a broken heart.

Is There a Dragon in Your Nativity Set?

Why every nativity set needs a dragon

The red dragon has a place in the nativity story. The dragon reminds us why we needed a Savior in the first place. John tells us that the dragon is the ancient serpent that deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He is the tempter that brought about t

Building a Culture of Honor: Final Reflections

How in the world do we use Scripture to build a culture of honor?

Phil Ware finishes his series on building a culture of honor by focusing on Jesus and his birth and the awful way Herod misuses Scripture and worship.

Gifts and Mission

How do our spiritual gifts help us determine our mission?

Tim Woodroof continues the series on a church finding or calling a new preaching minister or senior pastor, especially during interim ministry, and the key point is that a church needs to know who it is and what God has called them to do before they try t


Why would they let the person responsible for their son's death off the hook?

Phillip Morrison talks about the greatest Christmas gift of all, the gift of forgiveness.

They Got a Medal for Finishing the Race

Watching a Road Race taught me a lot about my life as a Christian

The Christian life is much like a race. If you finish, you get a medal. If you don't finish... no medal.

Building a Culture of Honor: Accountability

Holding each other and ourselves accountable for our growth toward Jesus it often the forget piece in building a culture of honor.

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor with a focus on accountability -- both holding others accountable and holding ourselves accountable for our growth in the Lord.

People in the Process of Mission

How do we hear from God about our mission?

Greg Anderson continues the series from Interim Ministry Partners about helping a church discover its mission by focusing on the people in the process.

Alms and the Red Kettle

Doesn't my gift count?

Cathy Messecar confesses her struggle to make giving something that honors God and not herself and she talks about the Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive.

Silence at Christmas to Listen

If we listen, it is not so silent a night at Christmas!

Rick Brown writes about LSTN headphones, hearing, Starkey hearing foundation, 400 years of silence after the Old Testament, years, silence, quiet, need, hear, hearing, listening, listen, Immanuel.

The Beginning of Our Salvation Story

What does Christmas have to do with salvation?

As you remember the Christmas story this December, amid the buying of presents, gathering with family and no doubt overeating, take some time to remember your own Salvation story. Then share it with your friends and loved ones.

Mission and Bible Study

Hey, don't forget the greatest source of information on our mission, the Bible!

Phil Ware continues the series of articles on discerning your mission for churches to work through as they are in a season of looking for a preaching minister or pastor and Phil emphasizes both the universal mission passages and the specific mission passa

How to Put One Foot in Front of the Other

Walking together means we give with thanks so no one walks alone.

Ann Voskamp talks about eucharisteo and Compassion International and Haiti and child protection and question marks and learning to live with thanksgiving.


Black Friday a part of Thanksgiving, really?

Patrick Odum takes a risk and invites us to not be so pig-headed about how bad Black Friday or even shopping on Thanksgiving might be, but decide for ourselves and let others do the same as long as we do it giving thanks to God!

The Rabbi's Nudge about Thanksgiving

So can we learn to be more thankful?

Rick Brown gives us insights on abstract prayers and the Rabbi's teaching that would help us be more thankful.

One Out of Ten

Time to stop and say thanks

When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one of them came back to give thanks. We need to follow his example, stopping to thank God for what he has done for us.

Building a Culture of Honor: Trust

Is trust really something that has to be earned?

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor, this time focusing on trust.