Making Life Work for Your Family (Page 2) 1995 Archives

Folly of Fools

Be wise.


Carelessness costs too much.

Generous People

There is a difference.

The Real Thing

There is something of ultimate value.

Particular People

You can’t just love in the abstract.

The Gift of Time

It’s a precious thing to give.

Presents or Presence

They need you more than a Barbie.


I’d like to buy the world a Coke...

True Wisdom

Whatever it cost, get wisdom!

Important Things

Focus on the weightier matters.

Mature Love

It's not cute, but it's strong.

Anxious Hearts

We can have confidence in him.

Forever the Same

God is trustworthy.

God Meets Our Needs

He takes care of us better than we can.

Confirmed Optimist

How did he bounce back? How did he use the tragedy?

Babysitters for God

Children are just gifts from above.

Learning from Kids

They can teach us valuable lessons.

Good Luck/Bad Luck

Do you believe in luck?

The Inward Self

Find the beauty that never fades.

Glasses of Love

The prescription we need for correct vision.

Rules and Recognition

Two things kids need.

Being Nice

It’s free!

Life Balance

Keep your balance!

Clumsy & Ugly

Jesus always chooses us.

Slow Down

If you go to fast, you’ll miss something!