Consider it pure joy --> Single-Minded Focus and become more effective.
Good families dont just happen.
And its not an IRA, CD, 401K, etc.
Set aside time to cherish.
Your kids are watching you what message are you sending?
Is it important? Or just urgent?
An attitude of patience can make a big difference.
The essential element we need to nourish our spirits.
One of the best tools for building a relationship.
Make the kind of commitment you can take to the bank!
Good communication is the foundation of a good relationship.
Build your relationship over time.
Keep the commitment. Always.
Romantic love springs from commitment
Find out about real Christian love.
Find strengthand lovein friendships.
God knows our hearts, and still loves us!
No matter what your pain, dont hold it against God!
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
If you have one, treasure them.
The answer may say a lot about your relationship.
Live the life you profess.
To lead them, you must understand them.
And it isnt just money
What do you think it might be?