Special Features (Page 11)

Feast or Fear? Pushing Past Our Fear with Faith and Perseverance

Why not take the high way to feasting?

Pat Mingarelli shares more pictures and images from his outdoor photography and helps us understand, through squirrels, that we need to step out in faith and not let fear keep us from God's feast!

A Small Man, a Big Day

Who would have thought he would be out on a limb?

Patrick Odum does a fictional biography styled account of Zacchaeus and Jesus and the special moment in the tree.

How Would You Draw Your Face?

Do you have a long face?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Christian life should be a life of joy.

True Peace

Do you have the God who is there through everything?

Bill Sherrill talks about God, who is there through all the tough and also gentle moments of our lives!

Time for a Wilderness Calling

Can you handle this truth?

Ron Rose talks about wilderness periods in our lives and God's holy calling for us to live among people and serve them.

Old Spice Evangelism

How do you reach everyone with so many different tastes?

Patrick Odum uses the popularity and methods of the Old Spice Guy to reach out and touch us with the aroma of Christ and the smell of evangelism.

An Encouraging Place?

So why do we get together, anyway?

Brian McCutchen looks at the principles of Hebrews 10:24-25 and reminds us that the assembly, the church gatherings, must be about encouragement.

Mental Block?

Do you have a mental block or are you just locked in a box?

Ron Rose challenges us to get out of our box of thinking in the same old ways and begin the conversation with others about God.

Beauty in Black and White

Can you see the beauty here?

Pat Mingarelli shares more of his great photography, this time focusing on black and white images and reminding us that sometimes God meets us in the most stark of places.

Getting a Firm Grip

Are you holding on to God?

Russ Lawson uses an old story about street cars to remind us of our need to hang on to God and our relationship with him.

The Conversation that Changes Lives

What can melt our hearts and let God find us?

Ron Rose talks about being open with God about what is on our heart in hopes He moves us to change.

The Way

Are you just circling?

Patrick Odum describes a man in a boat near England that had no plan and was just circling, he needed help and a way to get where he was going.

No Regrets

It's not too late to start today!

Mike Barres reminds us that it is never too late to begin pursuing God's dreams and plans and purposes for us.

In the Good Hands of God

He can do far more than our worry can ever do!

Bill Sherrill talks about bad news about his heart and he begins to worry until he remembers what Jesus said!

An Unshakable Life

Wouldn't you put this list up on your refrigerator

Tom Norvell uses Psalm 15 to help direct us to having a list to help us live an unshakable life.

Renewal and Spring

A powerful image of renewal!

Pasquale Mingarelli shares pictures and a Bible study to help us remember that spring is the time for renewal

The Burden & Blessing of Prayer

A hard night leads to a great time of prayer.

Tom Norvell talks about a sleepless night that leads to a great time of prayer and some key lessons about prayer.

A Simple Phone Call

Isn't it amazing the difference one simple phone call can make?

Tom Norvell talks about a phone call he received on his 57th birthday from an old friend and mentor and how special and important it was to him.

Does God Play Bingo?

What is your letter?

Ron Rose compares God's call in our life to Bingo, and whether or not we will answer when our number is called.

Eyes for the Unknown

What's there to fear except the fear of being afraid?

Ron Rose challenges us to look beyond our fear and find help in God.

Look at Your Life

What are people goig to find?

Tom Norvell reminds us to have some introspection and ask ourselves about the value of our lives.


Why in the world would someone do this?

Patrick Odum writes about a woman who is getting plastic surgery to help make her look like Jessica Alba and talks about what it would take to make us feel lovely and acceptable to God.

Take a Closer Look

What are you seeing as you go to church this morning?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we must take a closer look and not judge on mere appearances as Jesus said.

The Things You Planned for Us!

What's the plan?

Tom Norvell tries to get us to think in terms of what the Lord has planned for us.

Forgotten Kindness, Forgotten Love?

When is the last time you let God know how much you love Him?

Mike Barres reminds us of the incredible and personal nature of God and his love for us and our need to let Him know with kind words and loving words and genuine affection.