Special Features (Page 14)

The Ally of God's Grace

When's the last time you heard a call for real life change?

Bill Denton reminds us that we are not only saved from something but for something, and we need to display that salvation through repentance and life that is changed into what God made us to be.

Sawdust and Two-by-Fours

What are we overlooking in ourselves to criticize others?

Patrick Odum writes about firefighters burning down their own station, hypocrites, criticism, and our desire to run others down.

In Christ

God does the unthinkable to bless us immeasurably, in Christ!

Patrick Odum shares a clear message from God's word, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, and talks about all God has done to make us worthy in Christ.

That He Might Be Glorified

How can such a disaster be a time for glorifying God?

Donna Riggs shares how God used a snow storm to prevent disaster for her church family.

Wake-Up Call

Are we awake or have we chosen to fall asleep?

Russ Lawson talks about events that shocked us and awakened us from our lethargy, but reminds us that we often just sink back into our old habits.

Air Traffic Controller

How will we make it through?

Tom Norvell talks about an air traffic controller landing a plane and how his dad was a blessing.

Because We Are Human

What is the purpose of God sending Jesus?

Tom Norvell looks at our humanity and sees behind it all our need for Jesus.

Don't Let the Grass Grow Here!

Where does your private path lead?

Danny Sims talks about having a well worn path to the place of prayer because we are so close to God!

Sell Your Soul?

I didn't know there was anything you couldn't sell on eBay?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about selling our soul and eBay and what we are doing with our own soul.

Having a Merry Christmas?

So is it really merry and bright?

Tony Thompson helps us put Christmas in perspective: God loves us!

Room at the Manger

Have you seen His star?

Patrick Odum reflects on a Matthews who is a scientist who determined the star when Jesus was born and reminds us that it is not the star, but the one to whom it pointed, that is important.

Baby. God.

A different, staccato take on the whole event!

Danny Sims gives us a staccato version of the birth of Jesus and the following narratives about His first trip to the Temple.

It's Almost Time ...

Are you ready for the big day to arrive?

Tom Norvell describes what it is like to be ready for Christmas on Christmas eve and wonders what it was like for God on the eve of His Son's birth into the world.

Be Not Afraid

How can we not be afraid in times like this?

Russ Lawson reminds us that even during these troubling times that God is at work to take care of us.

A Step

Remember, it is a beginning!

Tom Norvell reminds us that a step in the right direction is a good beginning.

How Less Becomes More

How in the world does having less mean having more?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even in a season when folks have less than they are used to having, if they look they will actually find that they have more.

Brother, Can You Spare a Light

Don't curse the darkness, but light a candle!

Bill Sherrill reminds us that it is much easier to be critical than to do something, but the good that is done is really done by people willing to try.

Out of the Box Christmas

How do you make Christmas more what it's really for?

Phil Ware shares several ways to get out of the church box and gift boxes and make Christmas count.

The Lord Is Gracious

How loving and rich and gracious is our God?

Tom Norvell uses Psalm 145 to remind us how loving, compassionate, and gracious the LORD is to us, rich toward us in compassion, love, and grace in every day of life.


Are you telling it straight with God, or bending the truth a little?

Bill Denton introduces us to a new word, communifaking, and also challenges us to communicate truthfully.

The Lord Is Faithful

Can you depend upon anyone any more?

Tom Norvell reflects on Psalm 145:13-16 and reminds us that in the middle of broken marriages, broken political promises, and broken hopes, God is faithful to his promises.

A Matter of Perspective

What is your point of view?

Bill Sherrill reflects on family reunions, perspective, being together, and church.

Here I Am, Please Send Someone Else

How do we face down our own inadequacies for the challenges we face?

Mike Barres reminds us that inadequacy is an opportunity for God's power to be displayed and God to be glorified.

The Lord Is Great!

Have you told other generations this glorious truth?

Tom Norvell reflects on the greatness of God inspired by Psalm 145.

The Least I Can Do?

How do we move beyond election partisanship to moral change?

Rob Woodfin challenges us to do more than vote and then wash our hands of the matters that afflict our time and culture.