Special Features (Page 15)

A Prayer for My Words

What's going to come out of our mouths next?

Tom Norvell reminds us to guard our words by praying for speech coming out of Psalm 143

If the Lord Kept Records

Aren't you glad God forgives?

Tom Norvell reminds us that forgiveness means the Lord erases our records of sins.

Our Eyes Look to the Lord

Where can you go in times like this?

Tom Norvell shares insights into Psalm 123, especially reminding us to look to God before we get angry, try to get even, go on the attack, or give up in despair, for mercy comes from God!

Things Jesus Might Say!

When the Dow swings nearly 1,000 points in a day, what would Jesus say?

Danny Sims shares some insight for us on our two week wild run on Wall Street and the up and downs of the market.

A Little Spunk Needed?

Isn't this what we need instead of hand-wringing?

Rob Frazier sees a girl overcoming a handicap and it reminds him how we need to address our financially troubling times.

My Help Comes from the Lord

Our help comes when we act on God's promises!

Tom Norvell challenges us to move beyond mere intellectual belief of Psalm 121 to putting it into practice everyday.

Don't Lose Focus

What distracts you most easily?

Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.

So Who Are You Afraid Of?

How do you deal with the fear>

Tom Norvell describes fear and fear of the Lord using Psalm 112.

More Than Everything

How do you solve the unsolvable and not remain anxious?

Rob Woodfin ponders the imponderable and seeks answers to our greatest question, how do I not let anxiety control me, and reminds us of God's grace.

Facing Life's Uh-oh's

What do you do when the problems come?

Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.

Having a Human Experience

What if we approached life as if the spiritual was the most real world?

Russ Lawson has a claustrophobic experience with an MRI machine and it teaches him a lot about who he is and what God is doing in his life.

Stressed Out

So how are you going to avoid it happening to you?

Patrick Odum learns that Chicago is the most stressful city in America and shares some insight on stress.

Root Rot

Can you get too much of a good thing?

Mike Barres reminds us that often what culture is giving us as water is not God's truth and will rot our roots.

Now that the Waters Have Receded

What can we do to help?

Phil Ware talks about ways we can help with hurricane relief.

A Choice

Do I really have a choice in my day?

Tom Norvell talks about the struggles of moving and the way people in customer service promise more than they can deliver.

Moving Things Around

Have you adjusted your schedule to reflect your priorities?

Mike Barres reminds us to move things around in our schedules to fit our priorities.

We Are His People!

Do we act like it?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we need to live like the Lord is our God!

Post 9-11, Prayer, & Politics

Are you ready for the bumpy ride?

Phil Ware reflects on 9-11 and reminds us to pray, while directing us to read and think through our faith.

When You Have Lost It All

So what have you lost?

Russ Lawson talks about a couple of friends who seem to have lost everything, but then he reminds us what is important and that we haven't really lost that much as long as we have Jesus.

Wake Up Call?

Is the alarm sounding in your life?

Russ Lawson shares about a pain that awakened him in the night and how it caused him to take a closer look at his life.

God's Surprising Grace

Can you believe we find this all over the Old Testament?

Danny Sims reminds us that grace is all over the Old Testament.

Dare to Dream

Do you dare dream for the road ahead?

Tom Norvell shares about moving into a new home and his dreams for the future.

Symbol and Reality

Just how important is the cross as a symbol?

Bill Sherrill reminds us of the importance of the cross as both a symbol and a reality of our center as believers in Jesus.

Bent Out of Shape

How bent are you?

Patrick Odum reminds us that there are all sorts of ways to be bent and only Jesus can unshackle us from our position.

Of Grasshoppers and Giants

How do we overcome our giants

Russ Lawson shares some insights from the 12 spies, 10 of whom convinced the children of Israel to fear the future and turn back; but Russ reminds us of God's promises.