Rubel Shelly shares a great story of how simple kindness and candy help heal old wounds and made friends out of enemies.
08/02/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell talks openly with the Lord about how hard it is to look forward and not backward and push on to the Lord's horizon.
07/27/2008 by Tom Norvell
Tom Norvell reminds us that we have a person to go to, when we have no place to go, and his name is Jesus, our Lord.
07/24/2008 by Tom Norvell
Bill Sherrill connects to an old King James phrase, the latter days, and reminds us that we often don't see things clearly until time has passed and we view things from God's perspective.
07/22/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Patrick Odum reflects on several folks who have auctioned off huge portions of their lives and property on eBay and challenges us to ask if we have done the same thing with our stuff.
07/18/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.
07/13/2008 by Bill Denton
Russ Lawson reminds us to check out what we are told from Scripture, because just like made up statistics, the facts are not always what is presented to us.
07/12/2008 by Russ Lawson
This is simply quoting Hebrews 2:14-18 about freedom from death's tyrranny.
07/04/2008 by Straight from the Bible
Tom Norvell thinks about July 4th and reminds us that freedom is found in Jesus.
07/03/2008 by Tom Norvell
Bill Sherrill talks about Fanny J. Crosby, the great Christian song writer, and her ability to see acutely even though she was blind.
06/29/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Russ Lawson reminds us that our faith needs to keep growing and going in the direction of faith, believe but help my unbelief.
06/27/2008 by Russ Lawson
Tom Norvell compares being in his yard and garden in the cool of the day and the words of Genesis 3 and God's desire to be with us and give us rest.
06/22/2008 by Tom Norvell
Bill Sherrill talks about our rush to rush into everything and how we need to read God's Book about life and how to experience it.
06/20/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Patrick D. Odum uses the Vatican's ruling on UFOs as a chance to remind us that we are made in God's image, and are very good.
06/10/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell reminds us that we are to carry the aroma of Jesus with us wherever we go -- some will like it, some will not, but God will be pleased!
06/08/2008 by Tom Norvell
Steve Higginbotham shares with us the opportunity to be Fred, like Jesus, to those around us.
06/07/2008 by Steve Higginbotham
Larry Davies shares with us his struggle with a cluttered office and how it's been embarrassingly displayed on the Internet.
06/06/2008 by Larry Davies
Bill Denton remembers a story told about President George W. Bush putting his feet up on his mother's coffee table and being scolded, and reminds us that it's all about honor.
05/31/2008 by Bill Denton
Tom Norvell reminds us that only Jesus can quench our parched spirits and souls with his living water.
05/25/2008 by Tom Norvell
Mike Barres reminds us that mistakes and missteps are a part of life, an dwe can learn from them and grow through them.
05/16/2008 by Mike Barres
Tom Norvell reminds us that in the world of massive change, Jesus is the same.
05/04/2008 by Tom Norvell
Bill Sherrill shares with us about his quiet place near to the heart of God.
05/03/2008 by Bill Sherrill
Mike Barres contrasts our whiny little attempts at perseverance and compares it to the real martyrs in the world and calls us to genuine perseverance.
04/26/2008 by Mike Barres
Patrick Odum describes what happened to the Patriot SuperBowl championship jerseys that were going to be thrown away because they lost, and challenges us to give more than our throw aways to the poor of the world.
04/17/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell reflects on the words from Psalm 72 that the prayers of David are ended and he hopes his life, his prayers, end with praise like David's did.
04/08/2008 by Tom Norvell