Special Features (Page 22)

Letter from a Thief

What do you do when you've truly wronged someone else?

A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.

Helpless but not Hopeless

Do you sometimes feel helpless?

No matter how bad things get, we are never hopeless.

Never the Same

Are you ready to have your life changed?

Many events in our lives change us forever, our lives will never be the same as a result, and Jesus is one of those life-changing events.

When All Your Plans Come Crashing Down

Is this any way to propose marriage?

When a proposal goes bad because of a plane crash, does the groom still get his request answered?

Suffering the Consequences?

Are you tired of having to pay the piper?

Often the difficult things in our lives we want to blame on God are really only the result or consequences of our own bad choices and decisions and actions.

One Brick at a Time

How do you get everything done in life?

Life is accomplished and made worthwhile by sticking to our goals and doing things one step, one brick, at a time.

Who's Driving?

Who is driving your life?

So often we don't let God have control of our lives and we want to be the driver to our own loss.

She Knew

What do you know about God?

Martha knew her brother Lazarus had died, but she also knew that Jesus could do something, she just didn't know what, do you know Jesus can help in your worst crises?

Looking for Answers

How in the world are you going to decide your biggest life questions?

Sometimes we just have to make the decision and go on trusting God to guide you to where you need to be.

Clear Conscience

How well do you feel about where you are right now?

God calls us to have a clear conscience.

Expanding Your Circle of Friends

How big is your circle?

We all need more friends, but the way to have them is to invest the time and offer others our friendship

No Strings Attached

Will we help others in the same way that Jesus did?

Will we help those who need it simply because we follow Jesus and because they need it with no strings attached?

What Was She Thinking?

Can you imagine what in the world these people had in mind?

Dumb criminals remind us that we are all just a step away from moral calamity and disaster and must resist satan and draw near to God.

Class of 1966

Wow, where did all these old people come from?

God doesn't change, but we go to reunions and find out we are changing, getting old, just like everyone else.

No Longer New?

How long can you keep the newness alive?

The newness wears off and we get bored and we lose interest and we give up.

Expanding Your Circle of Friends

Are you connected an expanding circle of friends?

We all need friends, but in America, people have fewer and few friends, but the best way to have friends is to be a friend.

Take a God Break

When's the last time you shut everything down and sought to be alone with God?

We all need to take a God-break a time when we get alone with God and be renewed and restored.

The Mercy Bank

How well do you show genuine mercy toward those who let you down?

We have to show mercy to others when they let us down because we need mercy for our mistakes and mess ups!

Make a Right Judgment

Why do you want to make so many snap judgments about things?

What we decide, especially about Jesus, is crucial and we don't need to be making snap or rash judgments.

Perfectly Honest

Are you telling the truth ... the whole truth?

Honesty is more than just relating facts, it's telling the whole truth.

Religion at Traffic Lights

How is your worship in traffic?

Our Christianity has to accompany us everywhere, even traffic, or it doesn't go with us anywhere.

Simplicity and Prayer

Why do we make things so complex?

Prayer should be simple, just like Jesus taught it and not made unnecessarily complex.


Are you lucky or just blessed?

We don't like being passive, so we have a hard time recognizing that we have what we have because we are blessed.

So What's the Point of the Bible?

Do you really know why God gave us the Bible?

The Bible is given to us to help us know God and how to live for God, not to judge others.

A Broken Mug

What can we learn from a broken coffee cup?

A broken mug helps Tom Norvel remind himself of what is most important about life and ministry, that we are not through when we are damaged, but we must press on.