Special Features (Page 25)

Resolved Today

Are you putting off those resolutions?

Maybe the most important New Year's resolution is to keep our resolutions.

Do Not Be Afraid!

So what is there to fear on the eve a brand new year?

When you least expect it, don't be afraid, God is revealing a new plan for your life.

A Matter of Perspective

So how does your day look?

So much of life is a matter of perspective; we can choose to be glad.


What is your destiny?

God has a plan for each of us, a destiny, to use us for his glory.

Christmas Clause

Would people really want to take Christ our the nativity?

A preacher gets in trouble talking about Christmas on Sunday, but warns that the world will take Christ out of Christmas.

What Do You Really Want?

What are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas?

What we want and most need at Christmas are not the kinds of things that money can buy!

Your Forgiveness Scale

How much are you willing to forgive?

An example of unbelievable forgiveness in the face of murder challenges our narrow notions of forgiving others.

Too Much to Comprehend

I bet you can't grasp it all!

There are many things our minds cannot comprehend, especially things about God, but that is okay.

Eyes Open?

Are you keeping your eyes shut to life?

So often we die long before our bodies do because we live our lives with our eyes shut.

Is He Taking Your Picture?

Have you seen the flash lately?

God has a record of the things he has done through us in his family album.

Life in Three Centuries

How many centuries will you live to see?

Remembering a great lady of faith who lived for 106 years.

Reasons to Be Thankful

How many reasons do you have to be thankful?

A terrible accident can't rob this little girl or her family of reasons to give thanks.

A Word to the Wise

Are your words few?

We shouldn't need many words to hear or to speak.

Ministry of the Presence

What can we do to help others when their world collapses?

God cares about our struggles and sent Jesus to us to show us the way back to his heart.

Finishing the Race

Will you finish even if the going gets really tough?

Hanging in there and persevering during tough times is not easy, but it is necessary and will develop our character.

The Cockatoo Run

What do birds have to do with it?

Change is hard, but God goes with us every step of the way.

What She Could

Are you trying to do too much or are you doing what you can?

Sometimes we try too hard and too much when we should simply be doing what we can.

Thank You Rosa Parks

Isn't it time we said it?

what we can learn from Rosa Parks' simple act of courage and defiance.

Sandra Reaches for the Wrong Thing

What are you reaching for?

We show we are Jesus' disciples by what we do, but so often what we reach for is the wrong thing.

What if We Did What Jesus Said?

Can you imagine what would happen if we really obeyed Jesus?

Jesus commanded us to act in certain ways toward others, especially when people mistreat us; what would happen if we really did obey him?

Compassion He Didn't Deserve

Why forgive someone for this kind of thing?

A lady forgives the incredible bad thing done to her by a teenager to give him another chance on life.

The Big Picture

How well do you understand the whole situation?

We are often critical of others and can't understand God because we don't see the big picture of what is happening.

Learning To Be Content

How are you handling the situation you currntly find yourself in?

We can learn to give thanks and be content if we will reframe our current situation and see how many blessings we actually have.

The Hills Are Alive

When was the last time you headed for the hills?

We all need places of solitude to experience God's beauty and listen for the voice of God.

Soul Work is Slow Work

Are you willing to take the time to let God work on you?

Soul work takes tiem and in our instant society we must be patient and let God do his work on us.