An electrical outage doesn't last as long as folks thought and they learn a lesson about turning on the power.
09/26/2004 by Bruce Wadd
We all need to be a little more ready and intentional about letting our light shine before others, but we also know and willingly bear the consequences.
09/19/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
Before we criticize others for being too busy, maybe we ought to look at our own schedules!
09/18/2004 by Teresa Bell Kindred
We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!
09/16/2004 by Charlotte Barres
It's amazing what happens when no one worries about who gets the credit.
09/14/2004 by Rubel Shelly
Some places are holy and we shouldn't violate these sacred spaces.
09/12/2004 by Rubel Shelly
How can a well actually help explain the nature of God?
09/08/2004 by Elizabeth Price
Olympic Marathon 2004 was wild with Vanderlei de Lima finishing third because of a weird attack, but he still finished.
09/07/2004 by Larry Zinck
If we will honestly ask for God to change us and help us, he will step and do so because he knows our struggles and longs to give us mercy.
09/04/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
We need to be sharing the gospel of Christ, God's mystery.
08/22/2004 by Mike Barres
While it may not be fun, service is the role of Jesus!
08/21/2004 by Bill Denton
God is forgiving of us and we must be of each other.
08/17/2004 by Janice Price
Jesus faced the fight we all face in the garden of gethsemane so we should be willing to fight that same fight and not give up!
08/15/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
God calls us to decide for him or against -- he wants us to be hot, on fire for him.
08/14/2004 by Bill Sherrill
Have you found real nourishment? Not unless you know Jesus.
08/10/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
Despite the ugliness we know lies within us, we are treasured and precious to God.
08/08/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
How well do we care for the least of these -- the poor, the hungry, the tired, the faitn.
08/07/2004 by Bill Sherrill
People need to see genuineness in Christians before they are going to listen to them about Jesus.
08/05/2004 by Rubel Shelly
Please don't ignore others or ignore God because we all know how it hurts to be ignored.
08/03/2004 by Tom Norvell
Take notice of God's grace and share it.
08/01/2004 by Kathy Bailey
God's presence, promise
07/31/2004 by Elizabeth Price
The best way to deal with a goof is to admit and learn from it.
07/29/2004 by Rubel Shelly
God uses ordinary people to do his amazing work.
07/25/2004 by Tom Norvell
Jesus left us here to help others find life and know that resurrection is coming: we are in the resurrection business.
07/22/2004 by Larry Zinck
A person's life is not judged by its length but by its impact.
07/17/2004 by Rubel Shelly