With everything in our lives changing all the time, it is very nice to know that Jesus doesn't change.
11/23/2003 by Tom Norvell
There are all sorts defitions of friendship, but the bottom line is whether are not we are willing to let Jesus be our friend?
11/20/2003 by Russ Lawson
Sometimes those who show themselves to be very self-destructive just need someone to help them get some rest and encouragement.
11/18/2003 by Rubel Shelly
For many people "getting even" is what they're interested in and they won't be satisfied until it's done. They don't want someone to escape justice. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that never happens on this side of heaven's judgement.
11/16/2003 by Russ Lawson
Sometimes it is helpful to just see the Gospel of Jesus demonstrated; that's what the movie Radio helps do for us.
11/12/2003 by David Smith
One of the very best ways to honor the memory and life of someone we respect who has died is to use what they have taught us and shown us to bless the living.
11/11/2003 by Janice Price
God has given us a new name and a new identity to go with his purposes; let's not let the world stick us with any of our old names.
11/07/2003 by Patrick D. Odum
We don't need a bunch of engineering drawings or theologian ramblings to understand God's Word; we just need a child-like heart.
11/06/2003 by Rubel Shelly
When we place things in God's hands, we don't have to agonize with worry about them.
11/04/2003 by Lou Seckler
Doing the right thing is hard, but the retirement benefits make it worth the effort -- just ask Jesus!
10/31/2003 by Russ Lawson
So often we push everything to the edge... we have just enough money, we're always running just slightly behind, we're always returning our video rentals late, we're going right up to the deadline on every project. Wouldn't it be nice to have some margin,
10/30/2003 by Paul Lee
Rather than blame others for our sin or finding excuses to rationalize away our guilt, let's be honest with ourselves and with God!
10/29/2003 by Rubel Shelly
I haven't learned to be content because I'm always wishing for more, but I'm trying and haven't stopped!
10/28/2003 by Tom Norvell
We are often tempted to focus on the gift that is costly, but not greatest, when often the greatest gift that is needed is mercy.
10/26/2003 by David Smith
We spend so much of our lives in preparation, but sooner or later we have to get down and get after what we are supposed to do.
10/23/2003 by Tom Norvell
To have to put off your wedding would be a great disappointment, but life is filled with disappointments -- that's why we need the hope we have in Jesus.
10/22/2003 by Patrick D. Odum
God is blind to our sin because the blood of Jesus continually purifies us when we are walking in the light.
10/21/2003 by Russ Lawson
Sometimes our greatest treasures are right under our noses at home.
10/16/2003 by Rubel Shelly
The kinds of stories we tell about ourselves, shape who we are.
10/15/2003 by Michael Harbour
Brothers and sisters, without Christ, we are diamonds in a dark room. We cannot shine and display all the wondrous beauty God made us to have without His light.
10/10/2003 by Teresa Bell Kindred