Special Features (Page 8)

Fighting Terror

Will technology be the difference?

David Capes uses The Voice translation to drive home the point that technology is not going to save us from ourselves, but only gracious trust that Jesus is Lord and our following Jesus into the world of forgiveness.


Do we notice or care?

Phil Ware reminds us to care actively for those suffering violence in the Muslim Spring that has now turned into the violent summer.

You Were Born to be You!

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Can you know?

Tom Norvell reminds us that God made us uniquely to be us and the best thing we can be is to be who we were born and re-born to be.

So Glad God Doesn't Require a Smartphone

Which smartphone does God require of us?

Max Lucado reminds us that we don't have to know how to use a smartphone to talk with the Creator of the universe who also happens to be our ABBA Father.

I've Been Wanting to Talk to You

Been talking to anyone about the Lord lately?

Phillip Morrison talks about a campaign in Austin, Texas, called Explore God and about trying to introduce people to conversations about the Lord.


If you are willing and able, Jesus can make you clean?

Patrick Odum reminds us that Jesus majors is making the unclean clean and taking the outcast and bringing them back home into community.

Influence: Not a Church Word!

Can we really start over?

Ron Rose reminds us that influence and starting over and being a new creation is something God does all the time and we just need to begin.

When Did God Change?

Is it me, or has God changed his opinion on grace?

Brian McCutchen talks about the night he was baptized and the fear he felt and his desire to know he was going to heaven and now he is assured of those things because he understands God's grace.

You'd Do It All Again

Why pay such a high price and take such a big risk?

Max Lucado writes about the high cost of doing God's work and the hope, joy, and crown we will glory in when we go to be with Jesus and it will be all about people!

Check Your Assumptions

Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles?

Ron Rose deals with a person who has had very difficult times and feels that prayer is not acted upon by God even if he hears them and that miracles are for times gone by.

What's Keeping You from Joining the Party

Have you missed the story about the other son?

Rick Brown writes about the prodigal son parable and reminds us that there are two sons who are lost and need to come home to the heart of the father and join the party he longs to throw for both of them!

A Light to Bring You Safely Home

Can we be delivered from our darkness.

Larry Davies reminds us of the power of a story about lighthouses and how Jesus is our lighthouse.

Protective Covering?

What's clouding your vision?

Tom Norvell shares with us that fear keeps a protective covering over ourselves and keeps us from seeing and experiencing the beauty and wonder that God has for us in our world and in other people.

Stop by the Lobby and See My Underwear!

What a strange way to get folks to a display on Memorial Day!

Phillip Morrison remembers a dear friend and patriot and faithful disciple named Bette Johnson.

In Need of a Transplant

What does the doctor hear when he hears your heartbeat?

Rick Brown reminds us that what we need is a heart transplant from God so our heartbeat is that of Jesus.

It's just a little Thing... not Really!

When are little things not little things — most of the time!

Tom Norvell reminds us that little things are not really little things and that they often are the difference between life and missing out on life.

Getting It Wrong

Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth — it's liberating!

Russ Lawson reminds us that to err is human, that we sin, we mess up, we falter, we are wrong, we make mistakes, but God is in the cleansing and forgiving business and can take care of it if we will admit it and ask for forgiveness.

Prayer: Warrior or Weakling?

Does prayer feel like sand getting kicked in your face?

Rick Brown reminds us that prayer begins simply, and in the process fo growing we all end up developing and growing in our prayer life.

Knowing Your Role in the Game of Life

What position are you trying to play in life's big game?

Rick Brown talks about teaching a Bulgarian friend how to play softball and it reminds him that many followers, disciples, of Jesus need to be given a job description.

A Cry from the Hills of Judea

What could change everything?

Bill Sherrill writes about God's clearest message through Jesus on the Cross and through the Gospel of John.

Standing on the Edge of a new Adventure

What does God have in store for this New Year?

Ron Rose writes about redemption and even more of sanctification, the slow work of God to transform us into something new and better and more like Him and reminds us that this is a process.

Looking for Jesus at Christmas

Whatever happened to the reason for the season?

Rick Brown talks about Jesus not just missing from the nativity, but also from Christmas and from our lives and yet we can use this time to restore him to his rightful place in our lives.

Stealth Listening

Listening is essential for the miracle to happen!

Ron Rose reminds us of the importance of listening and listening beyond the words to the heart and then working for God's miracle in people's lives.

Learning to Live the Life God Blesses

So how does this all fit with prayer?

Rick Brown leads us to see prayer in a fresh way, but also the way of Jesus.

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

What happened to Jesus' promise?

Ron Rose writes about unanswered prayers and letting God find us and us having conversations with our heavenly Father.