Make a resolution to study God's word. We'll help.
“…following yonder star.”
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Remember, God blesses others through us.
A portrait of Moses…or me?
“This is going to hurt Me more…”
Are you under authority?
Botiyasi lived like Jesus.
A refreshing look at giving and receiving God’s blessings.
Get out from under the covers!
Be strong! Put on! Take up! Stand firm!
Use up each day. Begin now.
It’s how you handle it!
Live until you die.
How do you tell a good shepherd?
How would he lead? By serving.
Make sure it matters.
Do you believe in luck?
Nobody likes to stubb their toe.
Once we were alienated, but now we are reconciled.
Wake up, o sleeper!
Let the caged bird go free.
Nearer than you think.
Pornography harmless, eh? Think again.
This way, there’s never a question of who gets the glory.