Heartlight.org celebrates its eighth birthday with a look back on some amazing events.
04/03/2004 by Paul Lee
We've got to deal with our own unforgiving spirit.
04/01/2004 by Kathy Bailey
So often, we don't feel like anyone understands us ... except Jesus.
03/30/2004 by Rubel Shelly
One way we can minister to Christ is to serve those in need, especially those in prison or in jail.
03/27/2004 by Lou Seckler
You sought Christ for salvation and hoped your problems would at least get better. But, have you ever thought of him as someone who would give you even more problems to solve? After all, where do our problems come from, God or the devil? Ever since the en
03/26/2004 by Germana Gusmão Downing
To start making things better, begin with yourself!
03/23/2004 by Rubel Shelly
While we talk about giving up things for the sake of the Kingdom, are we willing to give up our children to go to the mission field?
03/21/2004 by Larry Zinck
While many images are used to describe Heaven, the absence of grief, pain, death, and suffering are the ones that connect best with me!
03/18/2004 by Bill Sherrill
Some things come and go, but this one thing is always in season and this season never ends.
03/14/2004 by Melva Cooper
Because we are called to belong to Christ Jesus, we have grace and peace!
03/07/2004 by Tom Norvell
We know who won't get our stuff when we die, and storing it in bigger or more tepees won't help!
03/06/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
Mediocrity is so commonplace we've come to accept it as normal. But as Christians we're called to a higher standard of excellence.
03/04/2004 by Bruce Logue
God's presence comes to us in many ways during the course of an average day; but are we looking for presence and to we respond with humility?
03/02/2004 by Russ Lawson
Long ago someone made the extra effort to even out the calendar... what extra effort will you make?
02/29/2004 by Paul Lee
Strength for trials -- heroic and righteous behaviors -- don't just spring up, but are built into the fabric of our everyday lives through faithfulness in small things.
02/28/2004 by Rubel Shelly
God sends us help at just the right time.
02/26/2004 by Tom Norvell
Be prepared before you go see the Passoin of the Christ; know what you are going to see and know how you are going to use it.
02/25/2004 by David Smith
The Passion of The Christ is released tomorrow, but Dave has fears that it will not be used as evangelistically as it should be.
02/24/2004 by Dave Cook
God has blessed us with many things, but we don't notice them because we're looking for the big things -- so let's make praise and thanksgiving an everyday habit in our lives.
02/22/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
We are like sheep, who go astray and need to be brought back; but in our pride we often act like cats and pretend we did nothing wrong.
02/21/2004 by Bill Sherrill
If we truly love God's Word, then we are going to let it be the crucial part of our lives each day by scheduling time to listen to and read from the Bible.
02/19/2004 by Russ Lawson
The President can only come for a drop in visit at NASCAR, but Jesus comes to stay in our daily lives.
02/18/2004 by Melva Cooper
George Washington, like other early leaders in the United States, led by faith.
02/16/2004 by Steven W. Allen
No matter how desperate things can seem, God has given the ability to hope in him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
02/15/2004 by Russ Lawson
There is great power of child-like hope when empowered by the Holy Spirit.
02/14/2004 by Janice Price