Special Features 2012 Archives

Looking for Jesus at Christmas

Whatever happened to the reason for the season?

Rick Brown talks about Jesus not just missing from the nativity, but also from Christmas and from our lives and yet we can use this time to restore him to his rightful place in our lives.

Stealth Listening

Listening is essential for the miracle to happen!

Ron Rose reminds us of the importance of listening and listening beyond the words to the heart and then working for God's miracle in people's lives.

Learning to Live the Life God Blesses

So how does this all fit with prayer?

Rick Brown leads us to see prayer in a fresh way, but also the way of Jesus.

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

What happened to Jesus' promise?

Ron Rose writes about unanswered prayers and letting God find us and us having conversations with our heavenly Father.


What do you do when you don't have the strength to do the next thing?

Tom Norvell writes about powerlessness and how we have God with us to help us overcome.


Haven't you stayed down long enough?

Rick Brown reminds us that lame excuses keep us lame and Jesus calls us to get up, take up, and get on with living and walking and taking responsibility for our lives.

Outlive Yourself

Andy and Barney will live on in our memories for a long time!

Steve Higginbotham reflects on the death of Andy Griffith and reminds us of the importance of our influence.

Only a Moment Away from a Miracle?

What happens when we invite Jesus into our messes and offer him what we have?

Rick Brown reminds us how easily we can become blind to the great opportunities for Jesus to do mighty things when we face challenges too big for us.

Be Strong and Courageous

No matter what you are facing, God has a message for you!

Tom Norvell reminds us that God is with us, that he will not abandon us, and that we should be strong and courageous!

Which Kind Are You?

Are there really two kinds?

Thom Lemmons reminds us that we all need grace.

Did You Learn This in Sunday School?

How about this for the discovery of all life has for you?

Ron Rose talks about moving from waiting to tell the story to being the story in someone's life today.

Creating a Movement

How in the world did they do this?

Rick Brown talks about how we can accomplish the Great Commission in our world today, the same as they did it long ago.

Take No Thought?

So what are we supposed to think about if not this?

Tom Norvell uses Matthew 6:25 and several translations (NIV, Message, and KJV translations) to help drive home Jesus' point and that many of us who look good on the outside are filled with worry on the inside, worry Jesus wants to take off our shoulders.

Be a Neighbor this Week!

Who will you show God's love today?

Rick Brown writes of Johnny Brown in Bermuda who greets and welcomes and shares greetings with people six hours each day.

Bribery, Cursing, and Lying

What do you see around Jesus?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that the Cross is a nasty, hurtful, despicable place where Jesus died.

The Ember

Will you let the fire go out?

Russ Lawson shares with us having to miss church because of weather and how much we need each other to keep the fire alive!

The Core Necessity of Faith

Are you ready for the leap from the lion's head?

Ron Rose reminds us that imagination is vital for our faith and for living life to the full.

Scuba-Posers and Jesus-Followers

Tired of sitting on the dock? Then jump in!

Rick Brown challenges us to get off the dock and into the water, to quit talking and to start obeying, to dive in and to swim.

Father, Your Servant Is Listening

How will I get everything done on my to do list?

Tom Norvell reminds us to listen to God's voice for time alone with him to be renewed, rekindled, and directed to what matters most in our lives and on our to do lists.


These three lurk in the shadows seeking to derail us and do us in.

Russ Lawson talks about fear, uncertainty, and doubt, or FUD, and how God's word and God speaks into each of these to give us life.

Change in the Wind

How will you face the winds of change?

Ron Rose writes about change and how it is not only inevitable, but it is the answer to life's greatest challenges and the wind upon which faith sails.

What You Need to Move Ahead

Does the New Year already seem like an old one?

Rick Brown reminds us that even though we may have already begun to slip back into the old way of living, the New Year can be bring us fresh life if we remember this.