Special Features 2013 Archives

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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A Gift Worth Re-gifting?

Is there really a Christmas gift worth regifting?

Tom Norvell reminds us that this is really a gift worth regifting -- Jesus -- because he is our hope, joy, love, and peace and others need to hear us speak of him when they need him most.

Be Careful with this Gift!

What gift at Christmas can get you in the most trouble?

Rick Brown reminds us about dangerous Christmas gifts for kids and the most dangerous Christmas gift of all, Jesus.

That Star?

Is this really the Christmas star?

Patrick Odum talks about the Christmas star and how it may have been identified, but how that doesn't nearly as much as the One who was born being the One who made the stars.

Exchanging Your Christmas Dream for a Bigger One

Does God really have a bigger dream for you than He gave Joseph and Mary?

Rick Brown shares an insight from the Westjet Santa Claus video and says we need to ask God for more and greater vision.


Why would they let the person responsible for their son's death off the hook?

Phillip Morrison talks about the greatest Christmas gift of all, the gift of forgiveness.

Silence at Christmas to Listen

If we listen, it is not so silent a night at Christmas!

Rick Brown writes about LSTN headphones, hearing, Starkey hearing foundation, 400 years of silence after the Old Testament, years, silence, quiet, need, hear, hearing, listening, listen, Immanuel.


Black Friday a part of Thanksgiving, really?

Patrick Odum takes a risk and invites us to not be so pig-headed about how bad Black Friday or even shopping on Thanksgiving might be, but decide for ourselves and let others do the same as long as we do it giving thanks to God!

The Rabbi's Nudge about Thanksgiving

So can we learn to be more thankful?

Rick Brown gives us insights on abstract prayers and the Rabbi's teaching that would help us be more thankful.

This Treasure Is up for Grabs

Treasure among all the garbage?

Ron Rose writes about the good things he used to find in the garbage dump and how there are special surprises and treasures that he found along the way and how we can do the same thing with people if we are willing to get messy.

Illness, My Teacher

Can anything good come from being sick?

Jackie Halstead reminds us of our need to slow down and let God lead us instead of thinking we can be in charge of our own lives.

Blessed Assurance

Where is your certainty found?

Phillip Morrison reminds us that our assurance is based on what God does and has done in Jesus, not what we can accomplish for God!

Practice the Wine of Kindness

What would you have done with the jugs of water?

Rick Brown reminds us to be focused on meeting the felt needs of people and use that to invite them to Jesus.

God's Redeeming Love!

We must never forget God's most consistent message to each of us!

Brian McCutchen reminds us that God's love is redeeming -- it forgives, cleanses, makes whole, and buys us back from our messes and lifts us from our burdens.

Fighting Terror

Will technology be the difference?

David Capes uses The Voice translation to drive home the point that technology is not going to save us from ourselves, but only gracious trust that Jesus is Lord and our following Jesus into the world of forgiveness.


Do we notice or care?

Phil Ware reminds us to care actively for those suffering violence in the Muslim Spring that has now turned into the violent summer.

You Were Born to be You!

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Can you know?

Tom Norvell reminds us that God made us uniquely to be us and the best thing we can be is to be who we were born and re-born to be.

So Glad God Doesn't Require a Smartphone

Which smartphone does God require of us?

Max Lucado reminds us that we don't have to know how to use a smartphone to talk with the Creator of the universe who also happens to be our ABBA Father.

I've Been Wanting to Talk to You

Been talking to anyone about the Lord lately?

Phillip Morrison talks about a campaign in Austin, Texas, called Explore God and about trying to introduce people to conversations about the Lord.


If you are willing and able, Jesus can make you clean?

Patrick Odum reminds us that Jesus majors is making the unclean clean and taking the outcast and bringing them back home into community.

Influence: Not a Church Word!

Can we really start over?

Ron Rose reminds us that influence and starting over and being a new creation is something God does all the time and we just need to begin.

When Did God Change?

Is it me, or has God changed his opinion on grace?

Brian McCutchen talks about the night he was baptized and the fear he felt and his desire to know he was going to heaven and now he is assured of those things because he understands God's grace.

You'd Do It All Again

Why pay such a high price and take such a big risk?

Max Lucado writes about the high cost of doing God's work and the hope, joy, and crown we will glory in when we go to be with Jesus and it will be all about people!

Check Your Assumptions

Why trust in a God we cannot see and seems to never do us any miracles?

Ron Rose deals with a person who has had very difficult times and feels that prayer is not acted upon by God even if he hears them and that miracles are for times gone by.

What's Keeping You from Joining the Party

Have you missed the story about the other son?

Rick Brown writes about the prodigal son parable and reminds us that there are two sons who are lost and need to come home to the heart of the father and join the party he longs to throw for both of them!

A Light to Bring You Safely Home

Can we be delivered from our darkness.

Larry Davies reminds us of the power of a story about lighthouses and how Jesus is our lighthouse.