JESUShaped (Page 4)

What Do We Do About Leadership Abuse?

The description of the Good Shepherd in John 10 aligns beautifully with Jesus' definition of serving and giving himself to bless us in Mark 10.

Phil Ware continues his thoughts on becoming JesuShaped disciples, this week focusing on the horrors of the litany of spiritual abuse cases in the news and how different they are from Jesus’ definition of a JesuShaped leader and godly shepherd.

Knowing God and Meeting Immanuel

Let's not settle for religion, going to church, or fast-food spirituality when God longs to fill that hole in our soul !

Phil Ware shares insights about intimately knowing God and Immanuel being real to us in our daily lives as we seek to be Jesus' disciples.

I Want to Be Like Her

Let's move beyond remembering her story; let's also commit to being like her in these four ways.

Phil Ware continues his reflections in the Gospels as he seeks to call us to continue pursuing Jesus so that we can be JesuShaped.


Maybe we are too familiar with our modern-day, water-downed, version of Jesus and not in awe of great expectations that the Lord has for us?

Phil Ware continues his reflections from his gospel readings and uses Mark 5 and Mark 6 to remind us that Jesus has greater expectations of what he can do through us than we do!

The Good News of Jesus Begins with a Servant

Jesus emphasized that the greatest in the Kingdom of God is a servant, and then defined his personal mission as serving those who are lost.

Phil Ware continues his reflections on his gospel studies and shares how we can become JesuShaped by becoming servants like John the Baptizer and four friends.

An Overlooked Gem?

This seemingly innocuous transitional passage in the gospel of Luke is one of those hidden gems we often overlook!

Phil Ware continues his reflections on his daily reading in the gospels, this time focused on Luke 8:1-3 and how this forgotten gem opens our eyes to the importance that women played in Jesus' ministry.

At YOUR Word

Do I aggressively pursue Jesus because his words reveal the truth and the heart of God?

Phil Ware focuses on Luke 5 and a few key phrases that reveal what it means to be JesuShaped!

Tuning to My Interior World

Obeying what God commanded and avoiding the things he condemns is important. However, the way we deal with them must involve our interior world!

Phil Ware reminds that to become JesuShaped, we have to pay attention to our interior worlds, the world of our hearts, and not just religious externals.

Family in the Fire

Jesus is among the familiar trappings of his heritage of faith and immediate family, both of whom are dangerously toxic to him and his ministry at this point in his journey.

Phil Ware continues his reflections and convictions on becoming a JesuShaped disciple, this time focusing on the dangers and difficulties the Lord faced from his religious adversaries.

The Shear

We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, and we need to know there is both danger and richness as we live in 'The Shear.'

Phil Ware continues his series on becoming JesuShaped disciples.

JesuShaped Prayer

Prayer becomes a tuning fork that helps us sing the song of God's magnificence with both holy praise as well as genuine concern for the people in our world.

Phil Ware continues his series of thoughts on living as a disciple that is JesuShaped and focuses on how the Lord's Prayer tunes our hearts to living the JesuShaped life.

Daily Altar of Grace

God isn't going to accept anything we offer him — our hearts, our Sunday worship, our offerings, our praise, our hopes, our private prayers, our dreams — if we knowingly remain at odds with a brother or sister in Christ.

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.


Jesus recalibrated greatness and changed it from being fame and notoriety to kneeling and using a basin and towel.

Phil Ware reminds us that the Jesus vibe is about being a servant and helping others, but he also reminds us that there are powerful memories in the Lord's Supper to help remind us of this thought.

Crouching at the Door

How did Jesus have the strength to resist sin again and again and again? What strategies or tools did he use to overcome the schemes of the evil one?

Phil Ware leads in our focus on being JesuShaped disciples by talking about the real power behind Jesus overcoming temptation.

Jesus at the Center

Without Jesus at the center of our faith, we are left with only an empty form of religion.

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.

What is CORE: Finishing

I remain convicted that these passages give us the CORE of what we must believe and practice as Jesus' disciples.

Phil Ware brings his series on 'What is CORE!' to a close, giving us a short summary to help us remember these three CORE passages and what they teach and call on us to do.

What is CORE: Training

Our practice of omitting from the Lord's Great Commission is more likely based on our preference for the attractional model of doing church.

Phil Ware continues his series on What is CORE focusing on the training -- teaching to obey -- element of the Great Commission.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

What Is CORE? Jesus!

How do we know what passages of Scripture are most essential?

Phil Ware stops at the mid-point in his series on What is CORE to review and look forward to what is ahead.

What Is CORE? Jesus!

How do we know what passages of Scripture are most essential?

Phil Ware stops at the mid-point in his series on What is CORE to review and look forward to what is ahead.

What is Core: Communing

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: the Lord is present with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper and the things of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.

What Is Core: Believing

What is most important for us to believe and do as disciples of Jesus, today?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages on what is core, or what is at the heart of what we must believe and do to be true disciples of Jesus, today.

Eating and Leftovers

Why the connection between Jesus and 'the leftovers' and why does the modern church not have the same relationships?

Phil Ware reminds us that our times at the Lord's Table should be filled with the same kind of people who joined Jesus at the table when he was on earth!