Just for Men 2008 Archives

Is It Really Over?

So what do you do now that it has come to an end?

Tom Norvell looks at how the disciples must have felt right after Jesus' death and then talks about a year ending and the New Year beginning.

Beyond Barely Saved?

Why should we be content to remain immature in Christ?

Mike Barres challenges us to seek spiritual maturity.

Face the Mirror and Face the Music

You mean he means me?

Patrick Odum confronts us with the words of John the baptist about repentance and how we need to face ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Big Rig Ministry: Test Track

Why go through the testing before hitting the real goal?

Tom Pousche uses his big experience to help him better understand the need for testing to prepare us for the journey ahead.

The Final Chapter

What will you write?

Tom Norvell reflects on Paul writing the final chapter of his life and finishing his race.

Desires & Imagination

What are your deepest desires?

Russ Lawson speaks to our desires being the pursuit of our prayers.

Playing Through Your Pain

When we have to do it, it isn't a game!

Rubel Shelly reminds us to play through pain and go on to victory.

How Much Dirt?

When does a little filth become too much?

Russ Lawson challenges us to look at the way filth and dirt get into our lives and contaminate them and challenges us to pursue holiness and purity.

Your Ambition

What is your ambition in life?

Tom Norvell shares with us some insights from 1 Thessalonians and how to life a quiet life and honor God and win the hearts of outsiders.

Damocles, Spock, and Paul

So when will what you have be enough to be happy?

Russ Lawson talks about the Sword of Damocles, Mr. Spock, the apostle Paul and about being satisfied with life.

Cap and Gown

Where does all the time go?

Tom Norvel thinks about time and how fast his daughter has grown up at her graduation.

Doing the Best I Can

What happens if your best isn't good enough?

Mike Barres reminds us that we all reach times in our lives when our best efforts are not enough, but God can do what needs to be done if we will persevere, fast, and pray.

Sometimes the Hard Choice Is the Right Choice

What would you have chosen?

Steve Higginbotham shares a powerful story about a conversation with a neurosurgeon who choose to be a daddy before being a recognized neurosurgeon.

There When Daddy Can't Be!

Who can help your daughter when you can't be around?

Phil Ware shares a memory from over ten years ago about his daughter and an angel.

Thankful for Simple Things

Why give thanks for that?

Mike Barres talks about a hunting trip with his wife and how they were so thankful for just heat and food and the simple things of life.


What's buried in the concrete of your heart?

Patrick Odum shares insight based on the buried Red Sox jersey in the new Yankee Stadium concrete and compares it to getting rid of the sin that lurks in our hearts.

Love Letters

How well do you remember the letters written to you?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us that God has written us several love letters, but how badly do we want to read them?

Don't Let Failure Be Final

How long has it been since you tried to do it again?

Mike Barres talks about a real mess he made when he tried to cook when his wife was pregnant, but he tries again 28 years later to see if he can do it -- and does, reminding us to not quit with a failure.