Melissa Troyer shares the challenging and agonizing and glorious moments of giving birth through several difficult deliveries and remembers all the key people who have formed her into the woman she has become.
05/28/2024 by Melissa Troyer
Some surprises on mother's day are not wanted.
05/12/2024 by Alan Smith
Melissa Troyer reminds us of the importance of marking each stage of our deliverance and our journey with God, with joy and dancing!
05/07/2024 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer draws on her life of experiences with the vastness of our universe and her need and thanks God for always knowing and seeing and caring and planning for us.
03/05/2024 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer is back living in her crazy world with grace and reminding us that raising teenagers can be embraced as a grace from God despite being hard if it calls us to look at our brokenness and weak place.
01/16/2024 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer writes insightfully about her husband, Daniel, and his way of seizing small moments to be there for his family despite being in a very stressful time in grad school.
12/05/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer reminds us that giving thanks -- and finding reasons to give thanks -- is a decision we make every day in all circumstances, especially when it is hard to be thankful!
11/21/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer reminds us that fall beckons us to grasp the last beauty and color of the season before winter overtakes us and to celebrate God's goodness in the changing of the season.
10/17/2023 by Melissa Troyer
09/05/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer is on the road with her family visiting West Texas where she was raised and she and her family encounter God in an old rest stop where earth and sky meet in a glorious gold, pink, and orange reminder of God's presence.
08/22/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer looks at her life, the gray in hair, the wrinkles around her eyes, and reflects that things are not quite what she dreamed, but then, in a way, they are better and God is not through with her yet.
07/11/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer shares her heart about the strength, faith, and love that it takes to get through hard things and hard times together.
06/20/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Do you know peace in your life? Or, do you find your days filled with conflict? Are you often belligerent and contentious with those around you? Find real peace in Jesus.
04/18/2023 by Melva Cooper
Michele Howe reminds of that glorious moments are precious and fleeting, until they last forever with Jesus in glory.
02/21/2023 by Michele Howe
Sarah Stirman talks about Valentine's Day and what it means to be really in love and to share love.
02/14/2023 by Sarah Stirman
Melissa Troyer reminds us that life's messes should drive us to our knees and open our hearts to the love, grace, and freedom of God!
01/24/2023 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer talks about coming to the end of our own abilities, resources, and power to fix ourselves, our problems, and deal with our difficult situations on our own, and then we ask for help and prayer.
10/18/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer shares her insightful, home-loving momma whose meditations about life, family, and faith help us grab what is most important in life.
08/02/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer reminds us that our world is broken and full of chaos, but we can find peace in this world in Jesus.
07/12/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer writes about the pressures of daily life for a mom whose husband is in P.A. school, money is tight, and children are calling, all the while Jesus is near.
06/14/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer writes with her unique and young mothering grace as she discovers new truths from an old familiar passage to discover, old stories have new truths when we come with fresh eyes and from a new place in our lives.
05/24/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer urges us to listen to the silence so we can hear the voice of God calling to us in the gentle slosh of the paddle slide through the water and the whisper of a gentle breeze.
04/19/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer reminds us of Jesus' strange promise of going away being better for His disciples than staying with them.
03/29/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer looks at everyday life, her children, and the horrifying images and videos and cries of mothers and children, and sees an opportunity to teach our children to say, But God!
03/15/2022 by Melissa Troyer
Melissa Troyer looks at our cold world as we ensure the cold of later winter and trust life will come back in the Spring and reminds us to trust life is coming.
03/01/2022 by Melissa Troyer