Just for Women (Page 5)

Where Is Your Olive Oil?

Where do you go when you don't think you have enough?

Robyn F. Johnson shares the story of the widow and Elisha in 2 Kings 4, and she reminds us that God cares for us and provides for us, we just need to look for our little vial of olive oil and offer it to him.

WOOHOO! Let's Do this Thing!

Is your life a little short on the adventure scale? Then come along and follow Jesus!

Lisa Mikitarian reminds us that life with the Lord really is an adventure because when we love him and are called according to his purposes then he works in our life through adventure to bless us and bring him glory.

No More Miss Nice Girl!

So what's so bad about being

Lisa Mikitarian talks about being younger, being enamored with a biker while in the military, and how being too nice plagued her until she learned the importance of kindness.

Why Faith Is an Answer to Prayer and Prayer Is an Answer to Faith

How is faith an answer to prayer?

Ann Voskamp reminds us that faith and prayer are a two street and the both are intertwined with each other and when this happens, grace, joy, and healing flow into Shalom, peace, wholeness and fullness of life.

The Second Batch

When does most awful mess become the opportunity for grace to capture our heart and give us confidence for the future?

Lisa Mikitarian tells us a wonderful story about the Father's grace revealed in a young girl's fall with the cupcakes made to honor her beloved grandmother.

Boy vs. Coffee Mug

How do you react to this kind of stuff?

Lisa Mikitarian shares an event in the life of her daily routine with her son and how her reaction to a broken mug leads to even more destruction and a family lesson.

The Work of My Father

What is my Father trying to teach me about his work?

Lisa Mikitarian reminds us that our Father in heaven has invited us into his work just like our earthly parents have sometimes invited us, and taken pride in us, working in their world.

Writing on Tablets

So what are you writing on?

Stacy Voss talks about writing and also writing on the hearts of her children.

The Highest Compliment

Why would he do such a thing?

Phil Ware describes several passages of Scripture that use the image of a mother bird or a woman in labor to express their love for new Christians, and then says this is the highest compliment a mom can receive.


We spend time with God and find out that we are loved!

Tammy Marcelain reminds us that we are able to realize that we are God's beloved when we take time to open ourselves to Him and be still and experience that God is with us and speaks to us in whispers.

Oprah and a Big Orange Pot

What's a woman to do with a big orange pot?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about the graduation of her twins, Oprah retiring and a big orange pot to cook roast in.

Something Fresh

Don't you want more than something new?

Katha Winther shares insights on the New Year, fresh starts, and God's work of salvation in us!

Is Praying it Safe Best?

Are our prayers too guarded and not adventurous enough?

Shana Schutte, author and speaker, challenges us to move away from pray it safe prayers to prayer that challenges us to live on the edge of faith and adventure.

I'll Take My Two Talents!

How much is enough?

Lisa Mikitarian talks about the parable of the talents and learning to focus on using what we have and not saying, "If only"

Even When the Rain Falls

Are you washed by the water?

Tammy Marcelain shares her experience at a recent baptism and reminds us of the mercy and grace that are ours in Jesus.

More Than a Matter of Taste

Why is it all about taste and aroma?

Katha Winther talks about all the smells and tastes that are associated with marketing products today and reminds us that life is more than food and clothing.

Dandelions: Cheerful & Prolific

What in the world is a dandelion Christian?

Muriel Larson uses the dandelion to show us how we ought to live as Christians!

Risky Gratitude

Why take this risk?

Stacy Voss shares the principle about thinking about the lovely things of God in your partner and not the bad things or the deficits.

A Mother's Day Surprise

What is the best you can do today on Mothers' Day?

Some surprises on mother's day are not wanted.

Limitless Mercy

How could He love us so?

Tammy Marcelain talks about Henri Nouwen's book and also about the prodigal son and the great love of God.

A Little Something Extra

What do you have to share with others that is a little extra?

Katha Winther shares a tradition she picked up from her mother and that we should pass along to others along the way: give a little something extra.

Uncertainty: Defuse Your Anxiety by Looking Out for Others

Are you somebody's backup?

Michele Howe talks about the way of relieving anxiety and stress is to back up someone else in need.

Less of Me

Can I live up to my purpose?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares some ideas about New Year's resolutions and living for others.

Creative Christmas Letters?

Can anything be done to make these special?

Janet Colbrunn tackles the hard task of helping us write creative Christmas letters that do more than inform our friends: they tell our story for generations to come.

Tested and Approved

What does it lead us to do?

Laura Baker reminds us that we are tested and approved by God.