Kingdom Leadership (Page 8)

Gifts and Mission

How do our spiritual gifts help us determine our mission?

Tim Woodroof continues the series on a church finding or calling a new preaching minister or senior pastor, especially during interim ministry, and the key point is that a church needs to know who it is and what God has called them to do before they try t

People in the Process of Mission

How do we hear from God about our mission?

Greg Anderson continues the series from Interim Ministry Partners about helping a church discover its mission by focusing on the people in the process.

Mission and Bible Study

Hey, don't forget the greatest source of information on our mission, the Bible!

Phil Ware continues the series of articles on discerning your mission for churches to work through as they are in a season of looking for a preaching minister or pastor and Phil emphasizes both the universal mission passages and the specific mission passa

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn't and couldn't, how dare we?

Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.

It Starts with Mission

Where do you begin to find a new preacher, pastor, or minister?

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by Interim Ministry Partners on discovering a congregation's mission by talking about how churches want to find someone to fill the pulpit in a hurry when they first need to discover who they are and what their mis

A little Bit of Mission Stubbornness

Can we have a dash of stubborness in our mission stew?

Greg Anderson completes the series on seasons in the life of a church and its vision, mission, and focus.

The Communication Illusion

So has communication really taken place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance and fragile danger of communication in organizations, businesses, families, and churches because communication doesn't happen until someone hears and understands, not just when someone says something.

Time to Re-prime?

Can a declining church embrace a new mission?

Phil Ware continues the Interim Ministry Partners series on helping declining and aging churches find new life.

Bill Knapp's Keeps Me up at Night

How can an out of business restaurant speak to churches?

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares a powerful parable about Bill Knapp's restaurants and America's quick fix mentality about the North American church and its troubles.

Seasons in the Life of a Congregation

Are congregations supposed to go through a lifecycle.

Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by the partners at Interim Ministry Partners, on the seasons in the life of a church.

What's Missing from the North American Church?

Why is it so hard for us to get this one key point?

Scot McKnight shares some things on his heart about Scripture, the Bible, and how we have misplaced it as the Church and forgotten to listen to God speak through His Word.

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Values & Integrity

How do we handle our values with integrity in the life of our congregation?

Greg Anderson reminds us why values are so important and how we must live out of our values with integrity.

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Personal vs. shared Values

Why can't we just do it the way I see it?

Phil Ware continues the series on values and leadership, especially conflict in the leadership because they cannot discern operational, personal, strategic, theoretical, shared, and other types of values.

Discovering the Character of your Church: 'Are' Values or 'Should' Values?

How do we get down to our true values?

Tim Woodroof talks about the values of churches and distinguishes between the values that are and the values that churches feel like they should have.

Discovering the Character of Your Church: Core Values

What really do we value?

Mark Frost of shares insights into transition times for churches who are looking for a minister or pastor and helps them discover ways to determine their core values.