Leading in Hope (Page 11)

Some Who Has Been There

Who is more super than Superman and yet doesn't possess his powers?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Superman isn't really a model of a hero because he didn't have to worry about anything, but those of us who are mortal need heroes like Jesus and you!

More than One Way to Hit a Homerun

When is a homerun not quite a homerun without some help?

Steve Higginbotham reminds us of a great home run story from D II women's softball and how the opposing team helped an injured competitor.

The Little Church That Could

Do you think you can?

Larry Davies takes the story of "The Little Engine that Could" and applies it to church.

Restored to Sanity

How do we get our minds in the right place?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's redemption isn't just about the future, but about living fully human lives now!

A Christian Nation?

Would we really want it if we could have it?

Rubel Shelly challenges us to think through our thinking on the upcoming election

Prayer out of Compassion

What can you do?

Ron Rose tells us about a movement that swept the US nation many years ago and how God used it to change everyone.

A Tact Attack

What do you mean my dog is on the roof?

Rubel Shelly shares his insights on tact, telling the truth, kindness, sophistry, avoidance, and sugar coating the truth.

Treating Symptoms

Can we get past the symptoms and really treat what is going on underneath?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not settle for merely treating the symptoms, but get to the root causes of our problems.

A Step in the Right Direction?

What ever happened to restitution?

Rubel Shelly talks about the Old Testament concept of restitution instead of punishment for folks who have committed crimes.

Collecting the Fingerprints of God

So what are you collecting?

Ron Rose reminds us to collect stories about God's fingerpints.

Worship in the Microsoft Age

What does worship really entail?

Patrick Odum reminds us of the importance of church and how it may not be efficient, but is sure necessary.

The Lord's Prayer

Do you really know the difference between the disciples' prayer and the Lord's prayer?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the Lord's prayer on the night he was betrayed was for unity and he prayed this three times, it was so important to him.

Root of the Problem

What really is behind all of this financial mess?

Rubel Shelly talks about the financial crisis, or better, crises, that are afflicting our economy and housing markets and foreclosure problems and points to one age old problem -- greed.

He Saved My Life

Who bailed you out?

Ron Rose reflects on the movie "The Bucket List" and a man who gave his life for his friend in Iraq and challenges us to thank our friends like that and to be a friend like that.

Free Speech Has a Price

When is free speech not exactly free?

Rubel Shelly shares his feelings and insights into civility and free speech in politics, sports, and real life.

How Falsehoods Diminish Truth

Why would we discredit the resurrection of Jesus by our lifestyle?

Rubel Shelly tells how a famous author fabricated her tale as a Holocaust survivor and then reminds us that this lie diminishes the truth of the Holocaust, and we diminish the truth of Jesus by living in ways which contradict what we say we believe.

Can You Hear the Music?

Do you hear the sounds of God in the rush of the world?

Rubel Shelly talks about how Joshua Bell, a famous violin virtuoso played in a busy place and was ignored and uses this to remind us how much we miss in life because we are not listening.

A John Grisham Secret

What's the secret of success?

Rubel Shelly writes about the daily self-discipline of writing that author John Grisham displays and is the secret to his success.

Light for Living

What will you do when the lights all go off?

Rubel Shelly talks about finding our way when we are trapped in darkness: look for Jesus to light the way.

But Do You Trust Him?

Have we really demonstrated that we truly believe?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to go beyond simply believing in God to believing God and doing what he says, which is true faith.

The Britney Spears in Your Life

Would you be willing to help Britney if you could?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we may not know Britney Spears, we do know someone like her and we need to ask if we are willing to be a friend to these people?

Excuse Making

Come on, now, let's just admit to the truth!

Rubel Shelly confronts our tendency to make excuses for our sins, mistakes, and errors and then try to use softer words to make them not seem so bad.

God's Good Creation

Why such a sour look on our faces?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that so much of what the world sees in us is unhappy and dour, but Jesus was involved in life, joy, and friendship to show that it is the direction of our lives and not necessarily the acts themselves that make things holy or unhol


Are you willing to get rid of the stuff in your life that is just in the way?

Patrick Odum challenges us to get rid of the clutter in our lives and our churches just like Jesus challenged the people of his day.

Specialty of the House

Why can't this also be our specialty?

Rubel Shelly talks about Starbucks and their emphasis on customer service and how we need to emulate their desire to greet help others.