Leading in Hope (Page 12)

I Never Make Misakes

So how perfect are you?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we are imperfect, that we make mistakes, and that God forgives those mistakes and makes us perfect in his sight if we will try to live for him.

A New Year's Prayer

Why not pray your way into the New Year?

Rubel Shelly shares a prayer for the New Year as we begin 2008.

I'm Just a Businessman

How would it feel to say know to Jesus?

Larry Davies puts us in the place of the inn keeper who had no room in his inn for Joseph and Mary.

Is This On Your List?

Why put something like this on your Christmas list?

Larry Davies reminds of our need to repent and get our hearts and behavior right if we are going to prepare the way for Jesus at Christmas.

The Inflatable Christmas

Wow, can you blow up your Christmas season?

Tom Norvell compares the inflatable Christmas yard decorations to the inflatable Christians and religious people that Jesus criticized.

My Strength Is in the Lord

Where do you find your strength?

Russ Lawson reminds us that faith is a muscle we exercise and when we do, we mature and grow in faith and spiritual strength.

Thanksgiving and Walking the Boundaries

So what can we do to bless our churches this next year as we thank God this year?

Larry Davies offers a Thanksgiving check up for churches and their leaders as he explores things that make for healthy churches.

The Flow

Do you know how to get in the flow?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that life's purpose rather than externals or someone else trying to make us happy is the real key to peace and joy in life.

The Means to Growth

Does difficulty really lead to something better?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that difficuty can be an opportunity to grow and become more of a person.

Work as Witness

Can my daily work actually be sacred work?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that for Christians all of life is a place of sacred activity, especially our work.

The Change You Want to See

If you could change the world, what would you want to see?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that a better world begins with what we do in the small acts of righteousness and kindness in the world around us.

What Will We Learn Next?

So do I really become like them or they like me?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the friendships we form shape us and change us.

The Who's Who that Really Matters

So how do I get my name in this book?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's book of Who's Who is only filled with those who are servants.

All Those Terrible Stories?

Are we listening to what we are saying?

Rubel Shelly is asked a hard question about the awful stories of the Bible and reminds the questioner that it is truthful, gritty, real life story of the human race while offer God's grace to redeem us.

Something Better Than a Critic

Isn't there anything nice to say?

Rubel Reminds us that there are nearly always good things to say about others if we will look and most folks need something kind and encouraging said to them.

Just Like My Dad

How much are they picking up from us that we don't know?

Rubel Shelly tells about Matt Lovo who saved his dad's truck and prevented a major accident in a tractor trailer rig when he took over driving for his dad even though he was a kid.

Treasure in Toilets

What are you going to find if you dig deep enough?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to not give up when our life seems to be in the toilet, because as often archaeologists do, we can sometimes find the greatest treasures in the most surprising places.

Cutting Off Conversation

Why is it so hard not to interrupt?

Rubel Shelly describes how hard it is to really listen and not cut off someone else's conversation.

The Last Goodbye

What do you do when you think the end is near?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares some good advice for those who have loved ones dealing with cancer -- this is based on her own personal experience.

Taking Note of a Hero's Death

Why do we honor celebrity above heroism?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that heroes should be honored and not celebrities and that we must practice to be a celebrity, because heroism is in all of us.

Choosing to Be Positive

How can you keep a good attitude at a time like this?

Rubel Shelly shares with us the story of Beverly Sills and how she has kept a positive attitude through hardship and disappointment and reminds us that we can choose our state of mind.

More Valuable than You Know

How important are the little things you do for others?

Rubel Shelly reminds us how important it is to do simple acts of kindness and not simply look for the splashy and big things to do to bless others.

The War on Materialism

What's the real threat to our culture?

Rubel Shelly writes about our greatest cultural enemy in spiritual warfare, consumerism or greed.

Good News on Marriage?

Is there actually some good news out there on marriage?

Rubel Shelly reflects on the declining number of divorces per population since the 80's and talks about the importance of preparation and commitment in making a marriage work.

Planting Seeds for the Future

Are you planting any seeds for tomorrow?

Ron Rose reminds us that we need to be investing in the future by helping others see the potential that God has for them.