Leading in Hope (Page 2)

Be Sure to Read the Whole Book!

So why mess with the Old Testament anyway?

Rubel Shelly shares insight on the whole Bible and our need to read the whole Bible, not just the New Testament.

When Nobody Was Looking

What would you have done?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there are honest athletes and football players.

Looking beyond Our Pigeonholes

You know you don't fit, so why climb into someone else's pigeon hole for you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we can refuse to climb into the pigeonholes that other people have made for us because we know who our real Father is.

It's His Problem to Solve

So how do we obey these hard commands to not worry?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that trust in God to act is not passive, but an active life that does what is required, trusting that our difficulties and challenges are problems for God to solve.

Don't Rush God

Can we really become all God has made us to be if we rush ourselves to God's goal?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that rushing around to get where we think God wants us to be is seldom God's plan and seldom accomplishes what God wants to do in us.

Pray without Ceasing?

How can we really do this?

David Bratton shares with us some important ideas about praying without ceasing and obeying, honoring, blessing, and working for the justice that blesses God.

Superman and Jesus?

Is there a link between our desire for Superman and our need for Jesus?

Rubel Shelly comments and describes the difference between Superman and Jesus.

When We Stop Asking Questions?

How many have you asked yourself today?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that questions keep our minds alive and the spirit of a child awakened in each of us.

How Are You Spending Time?

So what are you investing in?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the value of small increments of time used wisely to make an eternal difference by doing the small things in the lives of others that bless, encourage, and support them.

Was It 'Just God's Will'?

Just what do you mean by that?

Rubel Shelly weighs in on the tragedy in Oklahoma, our easy explanations, and our overuse of the word just.

A No! Church (And how to Avoid Becoming One)

Want to make sure nobody bothers you by coming back?

Mark Frost continues a series on Becoming a Yes! Church being done by Interim Ministry Partners Phil Ware, Mark Frost, Greg Anderson, and Tim Woodroof

Worthwhile Things Take Time!

Perseverance, not slow and steady, wins the race!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the missing virtue of persistence -- endurance and perseverance mixed with consistency and integrity.

A Yes! Church

What kind of church do you want to be part of?

Phil Ware writes about interim ministry and his partners, and how we can be a 'Yes" church.

Finding Our Center when Our World Is Shaken

How do we understand the importance of worship in such a crazy world?

Rick Brown reminds us that in the middle of our chaotic world and the catastrophic things that have happened recently, worship still brings us into the presence of God and gives us a reason to go on!

The Faith Gap in '42'

Want to know what is missing in this great story of freedom?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that behind the great 42 of Jackie Robinson was a heart of faith and willingness to honor Jesus in the way he dealt with injustice, hatred, and prejudice.

Play Like You're Loved

Are you trying to earn it?

Rubel Shelley takes a look at coach Scott Nagy of South Dakota State and sees a great slogan: play like you are loved.

Easter is Still with Us?

We're done with leftovers and the eggs are put away, but Easter still remains!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Easter is not over as long as Jesus' followers, Christians, his disciples, live out the evidence of his resurrection in their lives by the way they treat others.

What a Basketball Game!

March madness is here, but the best game was played in February!

Rubel Shelly takes us to El Paso and shares a story that will warm our hearts about a coach, a boy, a team, and good sportsmanship.

Church in the Tank?

What would happen if your church were on

Larry Davies had a dream about being on Shark Tank and being offered 1 million dollars to invest in a church.

Take a Step!

Come on, you don't have to be stuck on that escalator!

Ron Rose reminds us that we don't have to be stuck on an escalator, we can just take a step and start the process of a new journey and a great escape.

Good Samaritan Not Appreciated

Why would anyone not be thankful for getting back $1200?

Rubel Shelly tells the story of a man finding $1200 and not being thanked when he returned it and he talks about the principle of being a good Samaritan.

A Prayer about Things We Cannot Change

What do I do and who am I when I cannot change what I want most to change?

Rubel Shelley reminds us of the importance of attitude and how that changes everything important that matters.

Will this be 'Lucky 13'?

So are you superstitious, or only a little stitious?

Rubel Shelly writes about the New Year, 2013, and talks about what the year will bring and also about being superstitious.

Why Christmas Is about Easter

Uh? Christmas is about easter? Tis the season!

Rubel Shelly puts Christmas into perspective by talking about Easter and the resurrection hope of the Savior.

Are You Trying too Hard?

We must not treat sin cavalierly, but we also must not think we have to earn God's grace!

Rubel Shelly risks being misunderstood by talking about the frustration of trying to win God's grace by living perfectly and over-analyzing our sins, failures, mistakes, and missteps.