Leading in Hope (Page 7)

The Big Deal that Shouldn't Have Been a Big Deal

So why does this standout so much today?

Rubel Shelly talks about a PGA event, calling a self-imposed penalty no one knew about, and losing a lot of money for his honesty.

Prayer for Such a Time as This

This is much bigger than just one nation!

Heartlight.org urges people the world over to pray for our nations and for our world and for peace and for the spread of the gospel.

The Awful Shame of Shame

When guilt is right and why shame can be destructive!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that feeling guilty isn't necessarily bad, but shame can be destructive and lead to denial or living a self-fulfilling prophecy about our badness.

Your Right to Hang Up!

Can you cut the cord and not let all this stuff dominate your life?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we don't have to answer unwanted email, mail, or phone calls just because it is there.

Trust the Miracle

This is one miracle we can all see happen in our lives!

Ron Rose talks about trust issues and reveals that it is a God-thing, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Sharing Someone's Load

I wonder if they ever got the shoe box back?

Rubel Shelly tells a funny story about a sad situation and reminds us to help each other carry our burdens.

Rejections and Reactions

How can we fail forward?

Rubel Shelly talks about how badly rejection hurts and our temptation to react in negative ways, but also uses Warren Buffett as an example of someone who failed forward.

In Praise of Shiphrah and Puah

Believe that you can change the course of things!

Rubel Shelly reminds us to choose wisely what we do and invest in because we can change the future and we should try to do so for God's glory.

Short-term or Long-term?

Will we stick in there or will we bail after a short bit?

Mike Barres stresses the importance of giving consistent, long-term care to help people overcome the mess they currently find themselves in.

It's All the Rage

Can you let go of your brick or do you still want to throw it?

Rubel Shelly deals with the growing problem of rage in our world today and examines ways to let go of it.

The Lady Who Can't Forget

Is this a blessing or a curse?

Rubel Shelly talks about the woman who can't forget and reminds us of the blessing of God's forgiveness.

Why Doesn't Hollywood Get It?

Do they even want to

Rubel Shelly writes about Hollywood and their desire to pump unwholesome and unholy stuff into our living rooms and movie theaters despite what the public may want.

Remember Who You Are

Have you forgotten the truth?

Ron Rose reminds us of tough times when God's people remembered who and whose they are.

The Heart of Successful Leadership

Where can we find this kind of people today?

Rubel Shelly challenges us to go beyond the facade and charisma of many supposed leaders today and demand more.

Why Are They Not Coming?

Religious but not in church: you bet, that's a lot of folks!

Larry Davies talks about why a lot of folks have trouble with going to church and reminds us that we are part of the problem when we don't go back to the basics.

Act of God

Let's turn this phrase on its ear!

Rubel Shelly talks about the term act of God and turns the phrase around to be a call to action for God's people.

The Intolerance of It All

When does our desire for tolerance cross the line into intolerance?

Rubel Shelly gives an insightful perspective on the Brit Hume tempest that occurred because he advocated for Christian faith.

A Broader View of the Sacred

Where are we called to live holy lives, in private or in public?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that all space is sacred space and that all of life is bound up with the holy because God is with us and in us.

New Year - New Options

Are you tuned up to face the New Year?

Rubel Shelly gives us some practical advice and a challenge to face the New Year with expectation and also reminds us to take one day at a time.

Bureaucratic Encumbrance

What happens when process becomes more important than mission?

Rubel Shelly uses General Motors before reorganization and the New York Times article to help remind us that we can be full of so many processes, procedures, rules, and traditions that we lose the main objective -- if everything is important, then nothing

Which Holiday Is This?

It's easy to get confused this time of year!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance of remembering the real meaning of Thanksgiving.

The Measure of Success

How do we define what is so easily distorted?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the measure of success in Jesus' eyes is whether or not we helped those in need who are around us.

How to Think of God

Do you see God in the face and actions of a young child?

Rubel Shelly's night with a little girl in a restaurant reminds him of who God actually is.

Back to Basics

Isn't it about time to get rid of the fluff and get back to the basics?

Rubel Shelly uses the recent world series and a few Casey Stengel stories about the early days of the Mets to remind us that the we need to get back to the basics of what we do as believers: love God and love each other.

Art, Crime, and Justice

When is it time to tell the self-appointed elite they are wrong?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Roman Polanski is a predator and is not to be given any special treatment because he is part of the media elite.