Leading in Hope (Page 9)

Uncommon Wisdom

Joy in trials and the expansion of influence in times like these? YES!

Alan Garner describes a prayer and exhortation he gave at the Volunteers of America meeting and how wisdom and opportunity can be found in caring for the trials and troubles of those around us.

Maybe It Isn't Dead Yet

When is losing not such a big deal?

Rubel Shelly describes a rare but beautiful story of sportsmanship that helps us prepare for March madness.

Step into the Water

Isn't it time to get off the bank and step into the water?

Russ Lawson uses the Israelite's crossing of the Jordan River at flood stage to be a reminder that God is waiting for us to step out in faith so he can act in our lives.

Don't Trust a Shadow

Why do we chase after what is not substance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that image is not substance and shadow is not tree: trust the tree not the shadow!

A Leader's First Duty

Whatever happened to faithfulness in leaders?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the first duty of leaders is to be faithful, loyal, and trustworthy with the people closest to him.

Beware the Quick Fix

Why do we so easily swallow the lure for the quick fix?

Rubel Shelly warns us about the lure of the quick fix and reminds us that there are no short cuts to what is valuable and that perseverance is necessary for character.

What We Have Seen and Heard

What is the place of faith in the public square?

Patrick Odum shares insights on sharing our faith in the public square using the reaction to Rick Warren's prayer at President Obama's inauguration.

Preparing for Heroism

Have you seen a hero lately?

Rubel Shelly reminds us the nature of heroism is about being diligent and faithful to our everyday tasks like Sully.

The Problem with Commitments

Can you finish what you start?

Rubel Shelly shares his thoughts on following through with our commitments using an "eternal flame" that is not so eternal and has been turned off as an example of not counting the cost.

Beyond the Call of Duty

What does it mean for a believer to be above the law?

Rubel Shelly talks about the difference between being a legalist and a good neighbor when one is above the law.


What interest does God expect from all that He has invested in us?

Warren Baldwin reminds us of what God has entrusted us with to invest in our lives in ministry and receive interest on his investment.

Make a Faith Choice

When the world caves in, do you make a faith choice?

Ron Rose talks about a couple that loses everything beside faith and then finds an opportunity to influence others for God.

Beyond the Call of Duty

Are you above the law?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of another way to be like Jesus and be above the law in a good way.

What Christmas Teaches

Can you escape the traps?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas can be a time where we escape the realities of the world and rejoice.

A Time of w00t

Can you find the joy right now?

Ron Rose shares a new word, w00t, that means joy in gamer language, that has entered our common communication language.

Lord and Christ

Jesus must be more than just a Savior!

Mike Barres rejoices in the birth of Jesus as our Savior, but also reminds us that He must also be our Lord!

How Do We Measure Success?

What is your unit of measurement?

Bill Sherrill challenges us to judge our success based on our hearts and our service.

Fast for the President

Let's pray for our leaders!

Bob Sjogren reminds us the importance of fasting and praying for the president.

Still Not Enough

When all is said and done, do you really have what you want?

Tom Norvell reminds us that in the middle of giving thanks and offering gratitude for God, we should still have a holy discontent and recognize that we need more of Jesus.

Which Side?

Are we asking the wrong question?

Lee Wilson challenges us to determine what God wants and be on His side.

People Like Me!

When's the last time you celebrated someone different from you?

Patrick Odum describes a city wide gathering of people who are different in many ways but find their unity in one thing -- Jesus!

Penchant for Perfection

Maturity means admitting we haven't arrived!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are not perfect yet, and admitting our failures and imperfections is not an excuse, but an opportunity to meet God and have his grace help us grow.

Sharing Her Grandpa

Now this is what it means to care like family!

Rubel Shelly tells a story about a granddaughter named Avery who shared her grandpa with a little boy alone on grandparents' day at her school.

Growing to Your Space

Are you allowing life to shape you into it's mold?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not settle for cramped spaces, especially cramped spaces in our minds!

Pessimism: Its Mistaken Perspective

What is there to gain by pessimism in any of its disguises?

Rubel Shelly deals with the seemingly unending pessimism in human ways.