Leading in Hope 2005 Archives

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Dark Night of the Soul

Do you want to find God in the dark night of the soul?

Sometimes the dark night of the soul is exactly what we need to experience to let go of what we need to jettison and grab ahold again of God.

Too Busy with Christmas for Church

Can't get to church on Christmas because of other stuff?

Some folks are canceling church service on Christmas day, but isn't that missing the point of why we have Christmas in the first place?

Tamale Pie

Who do you remember at your potluck dinners?

Potluck dinners are more about the fellowship than the food.

Thank You Once Again

When is enough, enough?

Some folks we simply cannot thank enough!

Flashing Lights in the Park

Is there hope for these kids?

A description of the Dry Bones minsistry and a hard night a kid died.

They Prayed for Boldness

What would you have prayed for in this circumstance?

Under persecution and difficulty, we most often need to pray for boldness instead of protection and ease!

A Perfect Opportunity

Are you into traditions?

Holidays and special ritual meals for families can be great times to build into the family spiritual traditions.

God Is

What is our hope in times of uncertainty?

Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.

Driving Lessons

Where can we learn the real truth about living in a conflict filled world?

Driver's Ed teaches us that we have to drive responsibly for everyone, not just ourselves!

Signs of a Dying Church?

How is your congregation doing?

So often good churches slip into bad habits and then begin to die: do you know the signs of a dying church?

Fan into Flame

How can we fire it up a notch?

While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!

Fading Dreams

What do you do when your dreams seem to be fading away?

When all seems lost, remember the Lord is still God and leads us in triumph.

Katrina: God's Wrath?

Was Katrina God's judgment on us for our sin as some have said?

Some people have wrongly ascertained that Katrina was proof of God's wrath on Amerca's fallen condition.

Remembering and Praying

We must do more than simply remember what was there!

Thinking through the whole hurricane mess and looking forward to helping and praying.

At the End of the Day

How have you been playing lately?

Relationships and learning to play is the essence of becoming "children" in God's Kingdom!

The Gracious Hand of Our God

What do you see at work after you pray?

When we pray, God goes to work.

To Life!

When's the last time you spent the day fully smiling?

We need to be a rejoicing people who reflect God's blessings in our lives and in our smiles!

Retire or Re-fire?

What are you going to do in your retirement?

Christians should never retire spiritually, but instead re-fire!

Just Because You're Right

How important is proving to everyone else that you are right?

Just because you are right doesn't make you right -- how we deal with others is crucial in being right!

Just Got That Look!

Who do you look like?

We may look like a lot of people, but the real issue is whether or not we look like Jesus.

Every Leader Needs an Abishai

Whose got your back?

Every great leader needs someone who has his back, who will stand by him and defend him.

Do You Want the Whole Truth?

What do your ears want to hear?

Some folks only want to hear the cheery stuff from God, not the hard stuff, too.

Way to Oneness

Can we really be one in Christ?

Unity is found in Christ.


Can a failure be useful again?

Just as key people did with John Mark in moving him from failure to useful, so too, good leaders must recycle.

Better Get Used to It, Mr. McNair

Don't just hate being called that?

An experience of Steve Mc Nair at training camp becomes the opportunity for all of us to remember we teach and train others.