Leading in Hope (Page 2) 2005 Archives

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Rise Up Singing

What's your favorite way to sing?

Singing changes and so must we, but the bigger issue is that we sing!

Doing Things Religiously

How are you doing on your spiritual exercises?

Worship is more than what happens every seventh day, it is all of our lives.

Open Our Eyes!

What do you see around you?

God has his protection for us all around us if we will only ask for eyes to see.

What if Your Mom Found Out?

What if your mom knew?

One way to help us sort through the moral dilemmas of the day is to ask what our mom would think if we did it?

Workplace Faith

Where did Jesus find his followers?

Our Christian life is lived out in our workplace much more than in our church attendance!

The One Egg Special

How can they be the same and yet so different?

Sometimes differences aren't as large as they appear in the big scheme of things.

Developing Trust

Where do you think you'll find real trust?

Trial, temptation, trouble, and testing are in the same neighborhood with trust: we're not going to get the one we want without experiencing the ones we dont!

The Rub of New Shoes

How long will you wear yours?

A new pair of shoes helps Mike figure out why we need some traditions.

Cozying Up to a Holy God

When is it wrong to try to portray God as our friend?

Displaying our faith is laudable if it is backed up by a life committed to living what we say; otherwise, it's dangerous!

Broken by Sin?

What do we do with sinners?

We must be tough on sin but offer mercy and forgiveness for those who are truly repentant.

Unbending Realities

Does anything really matter if morals don't matter?

Morals and values, right and wrong, matter or nothing really matters anymore in society.

In Whose Image?

Into whose image are we trying to make new Christians conform?

So often we force new Christians into the mold of something or someone who isn't really Jesus.

A Cry for Excellence

Is this the best we can do?

While we can get frustrated with a lack of excellence in service in the world, we can never justify doing just enough and stopping short of giving God the best.

Seeing or Believing

What comes first, seeing or believing?

Some things we have to believe before we can see them!

Burden, Vision, and Passion

What are you living for this next year?

We must live our burden, passion, and vision if we are to honor God.

Maybe You Need to Unplug?

Will you turn it off for a few days?

Sometimes we have to take a break from all the information overload!

Those Less Welcome?

How are we doing at welcoming in those not everyone else likes?

We must welcome those other reject and leave out because that is what Jesus did.