Leading in Hope (Page 2) 2006 Archives

Got Your Spiritual Trainer?

Who's training you to be God's servant?

Spiritual growth really requires us to have a spiritual trainer to help us with our spiritual discipline.

You Could Wish It Were So

Are you willing to invest in others to lead them to a better place?

A surgeon who gives blood to his patient is a reminder of all those who have invested in us to make us what we are.

Take One for the Team

What are you willing to give up to help find unity?

Unity isn't easy to make happen and the example of Acts 15 really challenges us to give up some things along the way.

Dealing with the Ruts

Isn't it time to see what lies beyond the top of your rut?

Getting out of the rut is not only possible, but it can be fun, creative, and stimulating if we choose for it to be.

More Than We Can Ask!

Do you really believe God can do more?

God can do all things, even more than we imagine, so why do we live and pray like we don't believe this?

A Good Day

How can it be a good day when you don't get your

Interruptions and surprise visitors are not bad things in a busy day of ministry; they are an answer to prayer.

Exercising the Spirit: Breath Prayer

Do you know how to pray?

We can learn to breath pray and pray any time and any place and reach out to God through prayer.

A Hands-on Sort of Guy

Are you a hands-on kind of person?

God calls us to be a people and a person who touches hurting people because Jesus was willing to touch us.

The Interests of Others

Who do you spend most of your time thinking about?

The interests of others must be our focus and not just our own stuff and wants.

Things That Matter

What is really important as you go to face your week?

So much of what we work for really doesn't matter, so let's invest in what does, the people around us.

Exercising the Spirit: Meditation

When's the last time you tried meditating?

Meditation is a lost art and discipline that we as Christians need to engage in again!


Does it really matter all that much what we intend to do?

God is really the only one whose intentions really matter, what I intend to do does hold that much weight.

The Gift of Stillness

Have you learned to be still?

We all need more silence and solitude than we are getting in our busy world so let's start with just 5 minutes each day.

Exercising the Spirit: Silence

What do you hear in the silence?

We can only regain our rightful place in our spirit through Silence and the work of the Holy Spirit on our spirit.

The Value of Pain

Does pain really serve a useful purpose?

Pain is not always bad -- it is necessary to help us know where we need to change and be changed by the Father.

A Coach's Choice

Would you have given a boy with these struggles a chance?

Thank God for those who give others in unfortunate situations a chance to succeed.


Can you be trusted with precious and dangerous information?

Confidentiality is crucial to maintain when secrets have been entrusted to us.

The Toll Over the Long Haul

What difference does a little criticism really make?

Criticism hurts even when, or maybe especially when, it is dressed in pretty packages and given to us over a long time.

Above the Law

Why are we put into positions of opportunity and service?

Being in positions of leadership and authority doesn't give us the right to be above the law, but instead should give us the opportunity to serve in love.

Affluenza Epidemic

Have you been vaccinated against this flu?

We have got to address our addiction to things, money, greed, debt, wealth, and materialism.

Where is Your Church?

Do you know where your church really is?

Church is found where people who make up the Lord's Body are at work doing Kingdom business.

Exercising the Spirit: Lectio

Have you really been listening for God in his word?

If we are to grow in our spiritual walk, we must exercise the Spirit within us and one way is lectio divina, sacred reading.

Are You Growing?

Have you settled on simply staying put?

We need to evaluate how we are growing and have a plan to continue to grow.

Free Breakfast

What can you learn at the morning continental breakfast?

The continental breakfast allows from some people watching and friend making.

Hypocrites in Church?

Can you believe it's true?

Hypocrisy does exist in the church and we should weed it out, but it doesn't exempt us from church.