Hope for Life (Page 9)

Choosing Death, Choosing Life

Suicide isn't the answer

Even if death seems a better alternative than anything else that lies ahead. You can find life instead. You can find Jesus.

How's That Working out for You?

Even when you plan well and work hard, why do things so seldom work out the way we want?

At some point we all realize that we cannot control everything and have things be the way we want. But there is someone who can. Jesus.

Election Time!

I can tell you who's going to win!

Many different men and women will step up to rule the nations of this world. But one truth will remain unchanging: God reigns and will reign for ever and ever.

Sitting in the Hen House Doesn't Make You a Chicken

Just like sitting in the hen house does not make you a Christian, sitting in the church house does not make you a Christian.

Church is about so much more than just showing up. It is about being with God.

Known by God

Who really knows you?

We want to be known by God so that we can be included in His family and live in heaven with Him. While God is our creator, you must choose to obey Him and get close to Him, that's how you are known by God.


Look! A monster!

It's hard for us to see things in the proper perspective, which is why we need to give all of our worries to God.

So You Think You May Be Interested in Becoming a Christian

There are three questions you must have answered before becoming a Christian.

What do I have to know? What do I have to do? Then what? These are the questions you must have answered to become a Christian.

The Latest Thing

It's new! Improved!

It's easy to want what everyone else is getting. But it's also very, very dangerous. God can help you learn to be happy with what you have.

I Know too many Hypocrites

Hypocrisy is often cited as a reason not to follow Jesus. It is just not true.

Hypocrites say one thing while intending to do another. That is not what Christians do.

No App for That

Is there REALLY an app for that?

Nothing replaces reading God's Word.

Fearing God

Should I be afraid of God?

There's a difference between fearing God and being afraid of God. One has to do with reverence; the other is a lack of love.

I Felt so sorry for Them

I felt sorry for the people I saw at the hospital... but not the ones you think

I feel sorry for the people in hospital waiting rooms who sit alone.


Are you willing to go into training to win the prize?

We look at the sacrifices that athletes make, and we understand why they do what they do. In the same way, we have to be willing to "go into training" to obtain eternal life

A Something Is not the same as The Something

They are both little words, but the is a world of difference between being

There is a difference between being "a" god and being "the" God. God claims to be the God.

An age old Answer to an ages old Question

Yes, you are your brother's keeper

From Cain to Jesus to Paul to us, we are responsible for each other. We are our brother's keeper. But, and this makes all the difference, we are to hold each other accountable to the teachings of Jesus as members of a family, wanting the best for each oth

Be Still!


In a world that's always in a hurry, we need to stop and recognize who is really God.

What to Do about Hail

Is hail a good thing... or a bad thing? Why I am glad I am not in charge of the world.

Roofers pray for hail. Farmers pray it won't hail. I've done both. And it helped me realize why I need someone bigger than me in charge.

People Pleasing

Do you care what everyone thinks of you?

We need to be willing to put our faith in God, even when it's not popular to do so. We need to be willing to stand up for what's right, no matter what others may say. We need to seek the glory that comes from God rather than the praise of men.

Celebrate Independence

A country's independence day may not last forever. I know one independence day that does.

I celebrate my independence every day. Jesus set me free from my sin.

First Called

Have you been called and did you answer?

Andrew becomes one of the four disciples most closely associated with Jesus, he was a speaker on the Day of Pentecost and then he traveled, mostly by foot. Eventually, to be tortured and crucified in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula of what


Is your freedom enslaving you?

Many people are slaves and don't even know it. They aren't slaves to someone else, but slaves to their own desires. Jesus came to declare and provide FREEDOM.

Kid Games and Jesus

What can watching kid games tell us about Jesus?

Some may think that the kid games Somon Says and Red Light, Green Light show how to live the Christian life. I think Follow the Leader is better.


Who's afraid of the big bad grave?

The fear of death is instinctive, but Jesus came to free us from living as slaves to that fear

I Wish I Didn't Have to Go to Work

Do you ever wonder why you have to go to work? Christians don't.

Christians have three clear reasons to get up and go to work. Provide for our families, show God's glory, and help others.

Observations after a Trip to Africa

What are your observations from traveling outside our country?

During my nine day visit to Africa, I experienced a number of things: policemen in Malawi toting weapons asking for a ride to their headquarters about five miles away, bicycles as transports for almost everything, friendliness of the people, security for