Hope for Life (Page 2) 2011 Archives

I Cannot Prove God Exists

If I cannot prove scientifically that God exists, why do I believe in Him?

A created being is not able to scientifically prove the existence of the Creator. But the evidence of God is everywhere we look.

Summer's Here!

And you thought summer had already begun…

Just as our definition of the limits of summer don't change the weather, so our attempts to explain God don't change who He really is.

Who Needs Church?

Are you sure you don't need church? Really?

You need to be part of a church ... and some church needs you.


How much rest is enough?

Where God's people once practiced a one-day-per-week rest, we know seek a rest that will never end.

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

We need to acknowledge the influences in our life before the eulogies

It was an email that carried the news. It was one of those things that catches you off guard and makes you think. I needed to express my appreciation, my honor of their work, so I wrote my email and addressed it to their daughter.

Good News Gospel

Good news is not just something you get to hear, but something you get to do.

Gospel means good news. Jesus died for your sins. You can make this good news part of your life.

The Thief in the Night

Don't let the signs of the times scare you!

Many try to predict when Jesus will come back. The Bible says His coming will be a surprise. The main thing we need to do is be ready to greet Him, whenever that may be.

I Don't Understand the Bible

How is it possible to understand the Bible?

It is possible to understand the message of God in the Bible. It is Jesus.

The Good Books

You don't have to have an e-reader to hold a library in your hands

The bestselling book of all time, the Bible is actually a library of books, covering the gamut of human experiences and human emotions.

Who Can Separate Us from the Love of God?

How do we get away from God?

But, if we choose to allow Jesus to redeem us, save us, make us Holy, affirm that we are worthy---Then NOTHING can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Garage Junk

Today's must have items are tomorrow's junk. Are we?

Throwing away old toys and furniture help remind us that we will never be thrown away. We will live forever.


You're not getting any younger!

Our world is messed up, and that's nothing new. Ever since the Fall, things have been in a state of imperfection.

My Dog Just Thinks He Understands Me

I no more understand God than my dog understands me.

It is not possible for us to understand the mind and ways of God. We are not on the same level. We are more like a Master and his dog.


The word

In the end, the church is the group of people that belong to God. Other meanings may cloud our understanding, but we need to see that that's what the church is.

Yes Be Yes, No Be No

Are you as good as your word?

Say what you mean and then do what you say. Those around you will come to trust you when your actions are the same as your words.

What I Learned at Dog Obedience School

What I learned about following God at obedience training for my dog.

The point of obedience school was for my dog to learn life is better with me as his master. It is true for me and God as well.

What Everybody Should Know

Common knowledge isn't always right

There are common beliefs that are completely wrong, like the idea that the Great Wall of China is the only manmade object visible from space. The Bible contains nothing but truth.

Spiderman and Jesus

What I learned about Jesus from Spiderman

Spiderman is a story about new identity, new power, and the battle between good and evil. So is the Jesus story. And it is real.

The Masterpiece Within

What's hidden inside of you?

We spend too much time covering up the masterpiece that is inside each one of us

Whiter Than Snow

How can a muderous adulterer be cleaned whiter than snow?

God's forgiveness can make even the darkest life new, clean, and pure.

God is God

He just said

Isaiah signed up for the task without knowing what it was: proclaim calamity and destruction. But he also got to proclaim a very special message: "God is God."

Groundhog Day

Is it Groundhog Day again?

Like the movie Groundhog Day, life can seem like an endless cycle of meaningless days, an unending quest for happiness. The author of Ecclesiastes tells us the secret to escaping the cycle.

This World Is a Mess

Is God to blame for the mess this world is in?

If God does not exist, you can't blame him for the mess this world is in. If He does, He will fix it.

God Even Uses Cowards

Even a coward is a mighty warrior in God's hands

The story of Gideon shows us that God can take imperfect people and use them in great ways.

Connect to the Power Source

What I learned about powerful living from an electric razor.

If you connect to the correct power source, you can live a life full of hope, purpuse, and power.