Pay off my biggest debt, restore my most important relationship, and find real meaning and purpose for my life. Now that would be the best New Year ever.
12/31/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Centuries ago, in a small unimportant town, our salvation began with a baby's cry. We continue to search and hope for: Peace, goodwill toward men.
12/24/2014 by Bill Brant
So a little boy was born, named Immanuel. He was a living sign from God, a reminder that God is with his people. Because Ahaz wouldn't listen and wouldn't put his trust in God, his nation would suffer defeat. But he had in this young boy the constant remi
12/17/2014 by Tim Archer
The Christmas message is not just that God's Son was born. It is that the baby grew up to die and save us from our sins.
12/10/2014 by Steve Ridgell
It had to be hard to sing praises while marching against a more powerful enemy. It had to be hard to trust that God would fight the battle. It's easier to depend on ourselves, to trust in our strength, to put our faith in what we see and know. But fait
12/04/2014 by Tim Archer
Watching an old man cross the street with his walker taught me about following Jesus in this world.
11/27/2014 by Steve Ridgell
As evil further envelopes this world, with wars, rumors of wars, beheading and horrors, the words said to Joshua resound for us today. Be strong and courageous.
11/19/2014 by Bill Brant
If we build our lives on the teachings of Jesus, we'll have a solid foundation that will see us through even the hardest times. If we choose to build somewhere else, we may very well find ourselves with a life that can't stand up to life's trials.
11/12/2014 by Tim Archer
It is hard to hold on to your belief when it seems God is not listening. Here is how Christians keep the faith.
11/05/2014 by Steve Ridgell
We have to choose whether we want to serve God, and God alone, or serve something/someone else.
10/29/2014 by Tim Archer
Death means the end of everything if you are not a Christian. It is the beginning of everything if you are.
10/22/2014 by Steve Ridgell
For those of us who claim to follow Jesus, there should be a family resemblance between each of us and God and Jesus. We should not look like the people around us, but we should be uniquely different and by our look we should be part of God's family.
10/15/2014 by Bill Brant
I pray that my life may ever be focused on what I can do, not what I can stop doing. Even if the effects of age force me to limit my activities, may I ever be seeking ways to serve the Lord.
10/08/2014 by Tim Archer
Nicknames are given to us by people who know us and love us. God knows us, loves us, and has a special name picked out for us.
10/01/2014 by Steve Ridgell
I don't want a God who stays behind while I go first. I don't want a God who waits until I'm in trouble and then comes to my rescue. I want a God that goes ahead of me. I want a God that I can follow, one who will lead me the way I should go.
09/24/2014 by Tim Archer
Good people still need Jesus. He is the only way to God because he is the only man to ever live a life good enough to spend eternity with God.
09/17/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Jonah is not remembered for his birth place and burial tomb, but because he finally did what God directed him to do. And the people he talked to responded to God's call.
09/10/2014 by Bill Brant
Faking Christianity may score points with your friends and neighbors. Living the Christian life can fill your life with purpose and meaning, giving you a powerful hope for the future.
09/03/2014 by Tim Archer
Jesus knows me. He know me better than I know myself. He loves me anyway. And I love that.
08/27/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Have you ever felt like you had no right to ask God for anything? Or maybe you thought that others would judge you and reject you if they knew your secret? Does it seem like Jesus has something to offer others, but nothing for you? You can have peace.
08/20/2014 by Tim Archer
Rahab is the story of a prostitute who became a spiritual hero. Her story is important for all of us to know.
08/14/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Dying and death come at inconvenient times, interrupting life. Yet, I have become convinced it is at precisely those times that one can see firsthand Christian Graces. Walking with the real people as death interrupts their living, by listening, preparing
08/06/2014 by Bill Brant
May such tragedies never come your way. But should they come, please remember these thoughts. A child who dies leaves a world of strife, finding a place of rest. We can't bring them back, but we can live our lives in such a way that we will go to them.
07/30/2014 by Tim Archer
It is never too late to follow Jesus. He is still calling you to come to him. Now matter how old.
07/23/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Jesus wants to remind us that performing a series of religious acts doesn't make us right with God. Our attitude matters. What the Bible calls "the heart." While men look at the outside, God looks at the heart.
07/16/2014 by Tim Archer