Single ... Not Alone 1995 Archives

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Press On

You can bear up under the pressure.

One From the Heart, From Me to You

Remember them. Thank God for them.

The War in the Desert

He found the power to resist.

Was Jesus a Single Christian?

Jesus was another successful single guy. Really successful!

Joseph, Single Guy in the Egyptian Fastlane!

What lessons can we learn from Joseph, successful single guy?

What the Bible Says About the Single Life

Let's go to the source.

Up a Creek

Advice for the single woman.

A “Season” of Singleness

To everything there is a season.

The Crazy Things We Do for Love

Because it's worth it.


A vital part of life.

Moments of Clarity

Had an epiphany lately?

The Baby Moses Syndrome

Are you floating in De Nial?

Flat Tired!

What do you do when nothing goes your way?

Singular Excellence

What made Paul a prominent single Christian?

Singles in a Rut?

How did you get there? How do you get out?

Solitude vs. Isolation

There’s a big difference.

Helping Children of Divorce

What can we do?

The Survey Says...

You and a church can be a perfect fit.

Single Friday Night Blues

No plans? Make some!

What Can the Church Do To Help Single Parents?

There's plenty we can do!