Together in His Grace (Page 7)

Scream Free Parenting

Can you truly parent without the loud volumes and the moments of being out of control?

Parenting can be done scream free, but not because we focus on our children, but because we focus on ourselves.

Lightning Storm

When you see the lightning light up the sky, what do you remember?

Sarah Stirman talks about a couple of times that she and Troy watched the lightning, felt God's presence, and knew they were made for each other.

The End of One Chapter

How would you handle this if it were your child?

A mother with a son who has a tumor talks about the challenges and changes she and her family have faced during his theraphy and the faithfulness of God.

What's Your Price?

What are you willing to trade in for this prize?

Selling a bike for $5 (five dollars) is a bad deal, but not nearly as bad as giving away our soul for something valueless.

Hold to His Hand

Whose hand do you hold when things get tough?

In the middle of our struggles, we need to remember that we need to reach out for God's unchanging hand.

Little Things, Done Faithfully

Are you willing to do all those tedious, little things of love?

Little things, done faithfully, like taking out the garbage, are the glue, the grace, of ongoing and lasting relationships and marriages.

Joy and Pain in the Family of God

Could we be so gracious in this awful situation?

The horrible death of one daughter and the coma of another and the confusion between the two leads the Ceraks and Van Ryns on the ultimate challenge of Christian faith.

39 Years ... Plus One

What's happening in your world when you turn forty?

A simple anniversary celebration for the 39th anniversary leads a husband to reflect on his adventure with his wife!

I Love You and I'm Sorry

What will you tell your mother today?

Rain leaves this grown daughter to think about her mother and all that her mother means to her.

The Ministry of Motherhood

What greater need when it is lacking and what greater blessing when present?

Faith is not heriditary, it is learned and nurtured, often my loving momthers who take motherhood seriously.

What the Kids Pick Up

What are your kids hearing in the background and from you?

Kids hear all sorts of things in the background of the world via the radio and tv, how are we helping them process this?

Arriving Home

When are we going to get there?

What happens to people when they die is a lot like trying to tell kids how much farther it is to granny's house!

Parenting Twenty-somethings ... Still?

Do you still have to parent after they have left home?

Parenting twenty-somethings is a challenge but can be a blessing if we do our job well.

What Song Will They Sing?

What will they sing when you are gone?

We miss our loved ones when they die, but we can live in such a way to make sure that we see them again.

Getting the Music Back

So how much are you singing?

A visit to the Phantom of the Opera on a cold night opens back wide the door of singing in a family's home.

What Really Matters

In the midst of the preparation, I hope you have remembered what really matters!

Sometimes with all the preparation and stress we forget what the real meaning of the holidays is all about.

Love on Paper

What legacy are you leaving with the gifts you give this time of year?

While gifts are fine, we need to be leaving behind a legacy of love notes for our spouse and children and grand children.

Christmas Fear Factor?

Have you taken all the excitement out of Christmas?

We have taken the joy, glory, risk, holiness, excitment out of Christmas and made it predictable and boring.

It Isn't the Real World

Can you see the real world as clearly as a child?

Kids often know the difference between truth and lie and what is real world and what is not.

Take the Hype out of the Holidays

How are you going to handle the holiday stress?

Holidays can be stressful and hectic, here are some good ways to stay on track and protect your holidays.

The Thanksgiving Hooke

Do you remember this little boy from the first Thanksgiving?

A little boy about whom we know nothing shows us the way to the meaning of thanksgiving.

Whose Life Is It?

Do you see yourself in the story?

We can know we are saved by putting ourselves in the story of God's great deliverance.

Do We Hurt the Ones We Love?

Is living throwing you nothing but curve balls?

Life is full of all sorts of problems and curve balls: how we handle them determins our real faith.

The Uncle of Yes!

Are you a yes person or a no person?

Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.

How Will You Be Remembered?

Will those who come behind us find us faithful?

How we are remembered will have a huge impact on our how our children's lives turn out.