Together in His Grace (Page 9)

He Never Looked Back

As they walk away, are they ready?

Letting go, whether to death or to school is hard, but when we do, let's let them go to God's care.

Never Too Late!

It's not too late to mend that relationship in the Lord.

The greatest joy is knowing that we will see each other again!

There are Trees and There are Trees

What's the difference between loquats and apricots?

Different kinds of trees fulfill different needs, just like we need different kinds of friends.

No Pain Like Your Child's Pain

How could God allow His Son to do it for us?

It hurts to see our children experiencing pain so imagine how God feels about our pain!

Precious Memories, Graduation, and Lisa

What do you think about at graduation?

Graduation brings a time for a father to reflect on his daughter's love for making friends, even among four legged creatures.

Seeing Face to Face

I wonder what He will look like?

One of these days our blindness will be taken away and we will see everything and everyone as they truly are!

Heart's Content

What can a giver hope to find in giving?

The greatest joy a gift giver can give is when someone uses the gift he or she has been given.

World's Worst Mother Award

Do you know who the world's worst mother is?

Being the world's worst mother is a good thing: it means you did the right things with your kids!

Snow from Above

Snow on Eater, how can it be?

Sometimes God's surprising comfort comes at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places.

Not Yet What It Will Be

Are you not there yet?

We must not give up on ourselves or each other because we are not there yet!

Can't Take it With You

What are you going to carry with you in life?

Can we make the transition that happens after a leap of faith even if it is more restrictive.


What are you dreaming about these days?

Even our dreams can't live up to the things God has in store for us in heaven.

Providing Memories of Home for Our Children

What memories are you leaving for your children and grandchildren?

We can record our children's memories when they are little and then they will have them when they are older.

Work-Family Spillover

Can we keep the bad stuff in our day from leaking out?

We are called to not let our bad stuff from work spill over on our families and neighbors.

Trust Not in Thy Cell Phone or Thyself!

Sometimes a cell phone isn't the right answer!

No matter how much we love our family, we can't protect them all the time or fix their every problem; we have to trust God to work in their lives what is best for them and to take care of them.

Keeping Your Balance at Christmas

Can you keep your balance in all the holiday mayhem?

We can make the holidays a lot more cheery and bright if we will simply take a little time to plan and prepare for the holiday season.

Lights Out

What can we learn from a toddler over-using the light switch?

God's authority, his love and discipline, are for our good and our blessing, not our punishment.

6 Dollars Worth of Thanksgiving

What gift of value could 6 dollars buy?

Nothing blesses us than to see those we love being generous with others -- that's true thanksgiving!

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!

Eternal Gifts

What's eternal about about a power blue baby outfit?

So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.