Mike Cope shares a beautiful story about a family tradition of dropping a quarter into the stockings of everyone in the family at Christmas, this includes a video update.
12/22/2009 by Mike Cope
Larry Davies reflects on a group of school teachers and their party and reminds us that we need to be people of joy.
12/21/2009 by Larry Davies
Tom Norvell reminds us to not let anyone steal the peace we have in Jesus or in the season and offers some insights on keeping our peace.
12/20/2009 by Tom Norvell
Tom Norvell uses the song "Joy to the World" to remind us that we need to nurture and protect our joy in Jesus.
12/15/2009 by Tom Norvell
Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.
12/08/2009 by Rick Brown
Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.
12/06/2009 by Russ Lawson
Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.
10/13/2009 by Russ Lawson
Tom Norvell reminds us to express our thanks to those who have blessed our lives and give us joy and thanksgiving when we remember them.
09/27/2009 by Tom Norvell
Ron Rose talks about remembering God and what it means to truly love someone.
09/15/2009 by Ron Rose
Tom Norvell talks about a returning soldier being greeted by unrestrained joy by his wife and children and asked when was the last time you did that with God.
09/13/2009 by Tom Norvell
Patrick Odum reminds us of the heart of Jesus for those who are sick and broken.
09/08/2009 by Patrick D. Odum
Rick Brown continues his family unique series and tries to help us understand that we have to stop and let our families rest sometimes along the way.
07/21/2009 by Rick Brown
Rick Brown reminds us that we need to have a plan to negotiate the road that lies ahead for us and for our family and it is called the Genealogical Planning Strategy.
07/08/2009 by Rick Brown
Rick Brown reminded us that families run on values, so what are the values your family runs on?
07/07/2009 by Rick Brown
Rick Brown writes in his family unique series about a family having a plan for what they are going to do and the key step in the plan is to decide how to finish the following, "As for me and my house we will ..."
06/30/2009 by Rick Brown
Ron Rose talks about being an example to others because we are always being watched, especially by those in our own family.
06/15/2009 by Ron Rose
A simple message from 2 Timothy about mothers.
05/10/2009 by Biblical Reflections
Sarah Stirman shares a chilly church experience to make the point that a mom never minds becoming the other woman when the other woman is her daughter and she sees a daddy treating her like a lady.
04/18/2009 by Sarah Stirman
Joe Beam answers the reader's question about having a good marriage again after all the hurt and sinfulness?
03/19/2009 by Joe Beam
Rick Reynolds shares solid advice on how to survive an affair.
03/12/2009 by Rick Reynolds
Phil Ware gives the basis and background for the section of heartlight.org called together in his grace.
03/05/2009 by Phil Ware
Joe Beam deals with the challenging issue of improper email relationships.
02/26/2009 by Joe Beam
Joe Beam addresses what is Biblically appropriate and not appropriate for Christians in their sexual relationships.
02/19/2009 by Joe Beam
Rick Brown challenges us to really love each other in active ways for one week after having seen a shocking ad during the Super Bowl.
02/13/2009 by Rick Brown
Joe Beam answers questions about a husband's desire and the need for lovemaking in marriage for the wife.
02/12/2009 by Joe Beam