Tom Norvell shares insights into Psalm 123, especially reminding us to look to God before we get angry, try to get even, go on the attack, or give up in despair, for mercy comes from God!
10/19/2008 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly talks about how we can navigate through the economic and political storms and also reminds us that adversity is the opportunity for new beginnings.
10/18/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Danny Sims shares some insight for us on our two week wild run on Wall Street and the up and downs of the market.
10/17/2008 by Danny Sims
Rob Frazier sees a girl overcoming a handicap and it reminds him how we need to address our financially troubling times.
10/16/2008 by Rob Frazier
As I was flying out of Abilene this past summer, I looked out the airplane window and admired how green Texas was.
10/15/2008 by Karen Presley
Ron Rose shares some beautiful insights on friendship and the importance of a friend to living the abundant life.
10/14/2008 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware shares a principle from Colossians and asks us to think about how Jesus would respond to this desperate housewife.
10/13/2008 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell challenges us to move beyond mere intellectual belief of Psalm 121 to putting it into practice everyday.
10/12/2008 by Tom Norvell
Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.
10/11/2008 by Mike Barres
Ron Rose talks about sleep walking through life like zombies and how we were made to find life and dance with joy and help others do the same.
10/10/2008 by Ron Rose
Rubel Shelly talks about faith during the dry cycles of life and how we can endure these dry times to follow God more vibrantly.
10/09/2008 by Rubel Shelly
"Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present."
10/08/2008 by Tim Archer
Paul Faulkner reminds us of our freedom in Christ to serve and find God's blessing.
10/07/2008 by Paul Faulkner
Phil Ware reminds us of an old story describing heaven and hell and how the difference between the two is whether or not people serve each other.
10/06/2008 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell describes fear and fear of the Lord using Psalm 112.
10/05/2008 by Tom Norvell
Rob Woodfin ponders the imponderable and seeks answers to our greatest question, how do I not let anxiety control me, and reminds us of God's grace.
10/04/2008 by Rob Woodfin
Sarah Stirman says she doesn't go to church to worship God, so what does she go for?
10/03/2008 by Sarah Stirman
Russ Lawson had his share of tough things and hard roads growing up, but he chooses NOT to dwell on those things, but the positive ones.
10/02/2008 by Russ Lawson
The reality of Christian life is not that we do not sin. It is seen in how we react to our sin.
10/01/2008 by Steve Ridgell
Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.
09/30/2008 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware shares another insight from Colossians about deliverance from the dead-end alleys, the dark dungeons, and the pits that keep us trapped and reminds us how Jesus brings deliverance.
09/29/2008 by Phil Ware
Russ Lawson has a claustrophobic experience with an MRI machine and it teaches him a lot about who he is and what God is doing in his life.
09/28/2008 by Russ Lawson
Patrick Odum learns that Chicago is the most stressful city in America and shares some insight on stress.
09/27/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Ann Voskamp is reminded of a night where love was first ignited and how it still burns brightly, even in the most mundane moments of life.
09/26/2008 by Ann Voskamp
Mike Barres reminds us that often what culture is giving us as water is not God's truth and will rot our roots.
09/25/2008 by Mike Barres