Articles Tagged '' (Page 121)


Have you worn your cousin's best?

Mary Anne Brannon shares memories of her childhood and the hand-me-downs and hand sewn clothes from her mother that were all made with love.

Jesus Is Everything

When are we going to let him into every area of our lives?

Phil Ware shares the values of his dad with his children and emphasizes to them how Jesus is everything.

Praise and Perspective

Where do you get the perspective to praise God during tough times?

Kimberli Brackett reminds us that even in the worst of circumstances, God is at work trying to make something out of our situation and we can see if we will praise God and ask for his perspective.

Out of the Shadows?

How do we ever get through those darkest days in the valleys of life?

Ron Rose reminds us that God is our Shepherd and he will comfort us, even during those awful times in the valley of the shadow of death.

Tragedy Can Bring Awareness

What good can come out of this kind of mess?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that God can bring something good out of our grief and trials.

What Will We Learn Next?

So do I really become like them or they like me?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the friendships we form shape us and change us.

I Don't Get Technology...

I don't have to understand technology to use it

We don't have to understand everything about how Jesus makes life better to enjoy a life of hope, peace, and joy.

Looking at Things Differently

What you are looking for determines what you will find!

Alan Smith reminds us that our passion to find something is in direct proportion to our sense of value in that thing.

Beyond Remembering

Who is this person in your life?

Phil Ware talks about his dad and what he remembers learning from his dad before his dad's death.

Consider Your Words

How many words are too many words?

Tom Norvell makes a short and simple point about not using too many words.

Servin' Safari

Now what are we hunting on this one?

Patrick Odum reminds us that we shouldn't get weary in doing kind acts of service simply because we can't see the results, because do good is a result all by itself.

The Care and Feeding of Christian Servants

Why do we not take care of ourselves in our service to others?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that if we are going to keep being a servant to Christ and others, then we've got to care for ourselves and replenish what we are depleting in our service to others.

The Who's Who that Really Matters

So how do I get my name in this book?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's book of Who's Who is only filled with those who are servants.

The Obedience of Faith

Is it really faith if it doesn't do anything?

Belief and faith are not the same thing. Belief becomes faith when it goes into action.

Spiritually Muddled

How clear is your thinking?

Mike Barres reminds us that we often confuse our muddled thinking, our inability to decide what to do, not because the decision is difficult, but because we don't want to obey.

Let's Go Somewhere Else

Why would Jesus leave someone behind?

Phil Ware talks about spending time in communion with God so that we can know best how to respond to those who need compassion and yet help us keep to our mission.

The Comforter

Where can I find the strength and comfort I need?

Russ Lawson reminds us of the comfort that we can find in God and His word if we will trust and believe it.

Do Not Lose Heart!

Some words you just have to repeat until you believe!

Tom Norvell reminds us that some times we just have to hang to hope, keep repeating what is true and not lose heart.


How did the snail get on the ark?

Paul Faulkner encourages us to press on and persevere.

Too Slow or Too Hasty?

How do you know what the right pace really is?

Alan Smith laments the fact that discerning the time is very hard -- whether we are too hasty or too slow, but seeking God is the only way.

My Grandchildren Really Are Most Amazing

How will my grandchildren make a difference in this world?

Our families are our greatest legacy. Our greatest prayer for them must be that they find the Lord.

All Those Terrible Stories?

Are we listening to what we are saying?

Rubel Shelly is asked a hard question about the awful stories of the Bible and reminds the questioner that it is truthful, gritty, real life story of the human race while offer God's grace to redeem us.


How do I understand this powerful concept?

Phil Ware reminds us that we are to be the aroma Christ and asks for input on how to there?

Growing the Roots!

So how long will you work to see what you've worked to grow?

Teresa Bell Kindred encourages us to endure and do the work necessary to grow strong roots in our children and compares it to growing strong roots to grow strong trees and tall bamboo plants.

Luxury Addiction

How much has your stuff become your owner?

Patrick Odum challenges us with some real truths about luxury and greed and what it does to our walk with God and our genuine opportunities to be happy.