Paul Faulkner reminds us that we are put here to be a blessing to others and inspire, encourage, and build up, not tear down and criticize because the church, Jesus' community, is God's holy temple.
09/07/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Michele Howe reminds us again about women in the marketplace and the very needed virtue of affirming and giving appreciation to those who need it and deserve it.
09/06/2007 by Michele Howe
There are so many times in life that the world around me is full of confusing messages. It's hard to know which way to turn and it seems impossible to find my way. The good news is that as a Christian I have someone to clear the path ahead for me.
09/05/2007 by Skye Noe
Rubel Reminds us that there are nearly always good things to say about others if we will look and most folks need something kind and encouraging said to them.
09/04/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares about how important it is to find our one thing we are supposed to do in life and how to find it by spending time with Jesus.
09/03/2007 by Phil Ware
Russ Lawson reminds us that while some words are balderdash and came to us through crazy circumstances, Jesus words are the opposite: he speaks with real authority.
09/02/2007 by Russ Lawson
Katha Winther reminds us of the weird and yet powerful staying power of many of our words and reminds us to use them to be a blessing to others.
09/01/2007 by Katha Winther
Paul Faulkner reminds us of the awesome power of words and our human ability to use them to distort the truth and anger God.
08/31/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Tom Norvell reminds us about the nature of regrets and the wish we hadn't done what we've done, so he encourages us to live life differently.
08/30/2007 by Tom Norvell
Jesus came to touch and to heal, to take away The Disease.
08/29/2007 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly tells about Matt Lovo who saved his dad's truck and prevented a major accident in a tractor trailer rig when he took over driving for his dad even though he was a kid.
08/28/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares how his church suddenly saw their call from God to be a front porch to the people of their community and how it changed them and helped them find their roots right back in the early story of Jesus' followers.
08/27/2007 by Phil Ware
Steve Higginbotham writes about Bezalel, an artist who was chosen by God to design and oversee the construction of the Tabernacle and all the sacred items found in it during the rugged time of the wilderness wanderings.
08/26/2007 by Steve Higginbotham
Muriel Larson reminds of the great blessing we have from Romans 8:28
08/25/2007 by Muriel Larson
Paul Faulkner writes about sharing our story and being vulnerable with others so we can have friends.
08/24/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Katha Winther reminds us that life can be full of periods of bad things and rainy days with floods, but God has not forsaken or abandoned us and will see us through.
08/23/2007 by Katha Winther
We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.
08/22/2007 by Steve Ridgell
Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to not give up when our life seems to be in the toilet, because as often archaeologists do, we can sometimes find the greatest treasures in the most surprising places.
08/21/2007 by Rubel Shelly
We are called to live in the strong currents where Jesus' Kingdom meets the world and those trapped by darkness, but we need to know there is both danger and richness.
08/20/2007 by Phil Ware
Alan Smith describes the empty nest syndrome from a humorous point of view, then goes to remind us that we are all in God's nest.
08/19/2007 by Alan Smith
Bill Sherrill describes the problem with worry and how we often replace prayer with worry, but reminds us that peace isn't about circumstances or logic, but trust in God.
08/18/2007 by Bill Sherrill
Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to be intentional or what we view as important gets lost in the busyness of life.
08/17/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Rubel Shelly describes how hard it is to really listen and not cut off someone else's conversation.
08/16/2007 by Rubel Shelly
God is able to help couples avoid divorce, if we'll just let Him do it.
08/15/2007 by Courtney Loy
Tom Norvell shares several quotes from the Bible that share what is most important to God, then reminds us that it is about loving God and loving others and we need to get down and just do it!
08/14/2007 by Tom Norvell