Articles Tagged '' (Page 133)

Giving Back to God What Is His

Are we just renters of the blessings we have?

Using something for free almost every weekend of the year for a parking lot reminds a church that they don't own what they use; we need to learn that same thing as God's children.

What Do You Expect?

How in the world are we supposed to know what God expects of us?

How do we know what God expects of us or what it takes to please him? By listening to what he tells us to do in Micah 6:8.

The Judging Business

What right do we have to pass judgement on anyone else?

God wants us to be humble, but he doesn't want to get down on ourselves or judge ourselves or anyone else, he chose us and will us to his glory.

Stretching for Our Gods

What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve or find?

Patrick Odum reminds us that to grow we have to stretch, reach, and sacrifice but that is more than worth the effort because Jesus gives us back far more than we can ever give.

Curing the Sin Virus

Where in the world did those horrible computer viruses come from anyway?

Sin is like a virus Satan has designed to appear harmless, infect us, spread, and render everything useless and destroy everything.

I Owe You the Truth

Is there ever a time not to tell the truth?

No matter if it is the corporate world, school, church, or friendships we owe each other the truth and should not lie or withhold the truth.

Starting Fresh

Can we really find something new and fresh in this season of commercialism?

A man's conversion helps Phil remember that life can become fresh and new and he reminds us that the Christmas season can bring all of this to us if we are looking for it.

The Gift of Praise

Ruby and diamond rings are half as important as the praise they bring!

A Christmas present of a ruby and diamond ring that is adjustable is a present that evokes praise just like the way God has blessed us should pour forth our praise!

The Value of a Thank You!

Could you ever imagine that 80 cents could mean so much?

Sending thank you cards or notes can be such a powerful and special blessing to those who receive them and are just the kind of thing the Lord would have us do!

Tough Times Toughen

Wow, tough times can be hard, but is there a payoff to them?

Tough times, even when they are filled with temptation can help us grow and better appreciate good times when they come.

Appreciating God's Blessings

How can an undeserved inheritance make us sad?

A humorous story about undeserved inheritance reminds us of how easy it is to forget to thank God for all that he has done for us.

The Real Tragedy

How can you not have your life blown apart by a brain tumor?

An update on Jack Marcelain and his brain tumor recovery doesn't bring all good news, but Tammy is committed to not worry about it.

How's Your 'Ratitude'?

Can you give thanks?

Cary reminds singles that they can give thanks in almost any situation.

Upside-Down Blessings

How in the world can something good come out of something so rotten?

How God turned a couple of horrible, traumatic experiences in the Ware family into something really good!

Exercising the Spirit: Witnessing

Don't let this title turn you off!

One of the key spiritual disciplines is witnessing to others, because sharing our faith in Jesus is crucial to others finding God!

Will the Hurt Never End?

How long will all this mess last, anyway?

In the times of hardship and trial, it is hard to wait on the Lord because it seems so long before his deliverance, promised and sure as it is, comes to free us from our pain and suffering.


Will you hang in there when things are tough to do?

Growth takes consistent, persistent effort, it is not something that happens right now, but God is at work right now to make it happen in us.

Thinking about God

Can you think about nothing but God?

Can we spend any special, focused, time thinking about nothing but God? It is hard, but we must learn to do so.

The Joy of Giving

How can this bring me more joy?

Patrick Odum tells about a boy who shared his winnings with his father rather than spending it only on himself and the joy that this attitude brought the father and Patrick compares this to the joy we give our Father, God, when we share.

Is Faith a Form of Pretending?

Is our faith merely wishful thinking and make believe?

We need to visualize who we are in Christ before it becomes a real part of our daily go to work world, and so we need to pretend we are children of God and the presence of Jesus Christ.

The Voice of Our Father

How do you approach God?

Phil talks about when his son Zachary was born hurt and how his voice as a father comforted his son and how we as God's children can approach God as Abba Father.

Clay or Collectible

Can we ever be more than a lump of clay or a collection of dust?

Article on the transformation God can do in our lives changing us from a lump of clay into an object of beauty and usefulness.

Old Warriors

What do you do to comfort those who lived through today so long ago?

Jerry visits and old warrior who cannot leave the battlefields of Normandy and can still remember as if it were yesterday leaving to go fight in World War II.

What's Good for Soul and Body

What in the world does soulwork have to do with our bodies?

Healing after surgery is directly related to support from prayer.


So what's the point of it anyway?

Should we give up when things look hopeless? Of course not, because the point may not be in winning in the eyes of others, but having God accomplish in us what he wants.